No Bullying Here ~ #RedDotSafeSpot


There is absolutely no excuse for bullying. This behaviour is totally unacceptable and it needs to stop and be stopped. No excuses, there should always be a zero tolerance for any bullying. It is NOT alright to punch, hit or in any other way physically hurt another person. It is NOT alright to maliciously "tease" anyone. It is NOT alright to spread bad rumours about people. It is NOT alright to intentionally exclude certain people from a group. The hard truth about … [Read more...]

Stop A Bully!! {Healthy Living}


Sadly,  bullying is once again in the news with the bullying related suicide of Amanda Todd.  As adults, it is our responsibility to do everything in our power to stop the heartbreaking, never-ending victimizations of these innocent children. … [Read more...]

Be the change you want to see. Make bullying stop.

Bullying Canada is the first youth created anti-bullying website in Canada. It was founded in 2006 by Katie Neu and Rob Frenette. How common is bullying? Approximately one in 10 children have bullied others and as many as 25% of children in grades four to six have been bullied. … [Read more...]