Living Green, One Tip at a Time ~ Tip #3

Living Green, One tip at a Time –

Tip #3

Tip #3 –  Plant a Tree or Two or Three

Tip #3 – Plant a Tree or Two or Three ~ Most of us know that planting trees can help the environment. Trees trap CO2 emissions, minimizing the effects of global warming.

Did you know they also have many other beneficial effects such as: 

  • cooling your home
  • capturing dust particles from the air
  • reducing noise pollution
  • imparting beauty and serenity
  • stabilizing soil and preventing runoff
  • harbouring wildlife
  • providing a windbreak
  • increased property values
  • providing exercise opportunities such as raking up fallen leaves or mulching fallen bark (Red Nomad OZ)
  • Saving money – planting evergreens this summer in hopes to have Christmas trees in several years ( Tricia )
  • yummy jelly made from our flowering crabapple trees, and we just planted some eating apple trees (Oak Lawn Lady )
  • some trees (like the camphor and neem trees) can be used for medicinal purposes, too (Picture Clusters)
  •  being surrounded by plants makes us feel relaxed and good about ourselves (My bric-a-brac )
  • Provides shade for humans and animals on a hot Summers day (Oak Lawn Lady)
  • A large Oak or Maple is a good place to plant a small shade garden (Oak Lawn Lady)
  • Experimenting with trees in pots as well as planted in the yard. It has been so relaxing to fuss over them! (Not Just Another Mother Blogger!)
  • Our trees came in useful today for my daughter’s science project – she had to draw and identify trees and plants in our garden! So trees are also an educational tool!! (Jill )
  •  A big old oak tree in your back yard is the perfect setting for a July wedding!!! (Oak Lawn Lady)
  • Give a tree as a gift (I think this is an amazing idea!!) (lovinangels )

Can you think of any more Living Green tips?  Let me know and I’ll add them to the list!


  1. Mommy to a lil lady[bug] says:

    thanks for stopping by I'm following back!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Harvest For Tomorrow! I am your newest follower! You have a cute blog as well! And great tips!!!!

  3. Rumtruffle says:

    Just popped by via Follow Friday 40 & Over, wishing you a lovely weekend.
    Helen x

  4. Emma's Lunch says:

    Thanks for stopping by Emma's Lunch. I'm following you now too :)

  5. Red Nomad OZ says:

    HHHMMMmmm… providing exercise opportunities such as raking up fallen leaves or mulching fallen bark – or is that just me downunder in OZ??

    Have a great weekend!!

  6. Terri @ A Creative Princess says:

    I just hopped over from Design It Chic and am now a new follower. Love your blog! Stop by sometime if you like

  7. Thanks for dropping by my blog. Im following you back now too..

    Have a great weekend and take care!!!

  8. Katerina says:

    Thanks for following! I followed you back!

  9. BlackEyedDog says:

    thx so much for stopping by and for the follow…I'm following back^^



  10. Kortney says:

    Happy Friday!!! I've awarded you an award!!! Come over to to pick it up and find the rules!!! See you soon!

    Congratulations and Happy Blogging!!

  11. Thanks for the follow I am following you back now as well :)

  12. Colton's Mommy says:

    Thanks for stopping by–I am now following you as well.

  13. Thanks for following Mom is the Only Girl! We're planting evergreens this summer in hopes to have Christmas trees in several years, so to save money!! And your posts on menopause…I'm closer to that than I'd like to think!

  14. Awesome tips!

  15. SJ @ Homemaker On A Dime says:

    Thanks for following! I returned the favor :) I love your concept of being green.

  16. Oak Lawn Lady says:

    We have yummy jelly made from our flowering crabapple trees, and just planted some eating apple trees.

  17. maiylah says:

    some trees (like the camphor and neem trees) can be used for medicinal purposes, too. :)

    hi! thanks for following! followed you back!

    Picture Clusters

  18. we love being surrounded by plants! makes us feel relaxed and good about ourselves.

    thanks so much for following; am thrilled to follow you back!

    My bric-a-brac

  19. Following you right back. Love what you have to share.

  20. CarliAlice @ GG2Life says:

    Thanks for the tips! I'm following back.

  21. aobibliophile™ says:

    hi Monica! thanks for the green tips, for stopping by my blog, for the kind words and for following. i'm now a follower as well. have a great weekend c",)

  22. Debra Ann Elliott says:

    Thanks for stopping by Granny Annie's. Already follow. Thanks for the follow.

  23. Kirsten says:

    Good points- I'm off to go a-planting!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Following back!

  24. Oak Lawn Lady says:

    Provides shade for humans and animals on a hot Summers day. A large Oak or Maple is a good place to plant a small shade garden.

  25. Not Just Another Mother Blogger! says:

    I am following you back! I have been experimenting with trees in pots as well as planted in the yard. It has been so relaxing to fuss over them!

  26. A Helicopter Mom says:

    I think my computer ate my last post, so I'm trying again. I apologize if this is a double post. :)

    I so agree with this! I have a black thumb, but keep on trying.

    Thanks for visiting and following my blog. I'm following you back now!


  27. Thanks for visiting my blog, I'm returning the favour. and

    Have a good weekend

  28. The Crypto-Capers Series says:

    I am returning the follow. Thanks for stopping.

  29. Thanks for the follow, I am following back :)

  30. Wow, great list!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, have a great weekend!

  31. Amanda S. says:

    Great feature! I'm always on the lookout for more ways to live green. Thanks for stopping by Mommy's Peanut Gallery, following you back!

  32. Mo 'Betta says:

    Thanks for visiting, following back!

  33. The Unglamorous Mommy says:

    Thanks for visiting and following! Returning the favor!

  34. Money Saving Momma says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog…i am happy to be your newest follower, we can share ideas with eachother!

  35. Thanks for stopping by Frugally Green Mom! Following you back!

  36. Following you back from boost my blog friday. Our trees came in useful today for my daughter's science project – she had to draw and identify trees and plants in our garden! So trees are also an educational tool!! :)

  37. Oak Lawn Lady says:

    And a big old oak tree in your back yard is the perfect setting for a July wedding!!!

  38. Shelley says:

    Following from the blog hop. Hope you can follow back.
    God Bless,
    < a href="">Finding My Life in Faith< /a>

  39. Bird in a Tree Creations says:

    Thanks for popping in on my blog! I am now following you back! Have a great Sunday!-Kelly

  40. Hi I am your newest follower and I love your about me ! Thanks for following Destination Virtuous!

  41. Avalon Cat Cartoons says:

    Thanks for visiting my Cat Cartoon Blog. I'm following you back on GFC :-)

  42. As a fellow tree-hugger, all I can say is, "I LOVE this post!!"

  43. Great Blog!
    Thanks for stopping by mine and following.
    I'm now following you too!
    Amy's Life

  44. Following you back from The Steady Hand. Thank you for visiting my blog!

  45. kassidy's notes says:

    thank you for the visit and for following. i'm following you back.

  46. A Mom's Take says:

    Thanks for participating in the Good Friends Click Blog Hop! I'm already follow you, just stopping by to say hi.


  47. Following you back! Thanks for stopping by Pretty Nameless!

  48. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    I love a good tree – they really are fabulous and the benefits are plenty!

  49. lovinangels says:

    I'm so pro tree. We even give trees as gifts. I have to tear one down for our yard to be at all productive, and my husband has promised to put two up in its place.

    Thanks for stopping by. I'm returning the follow love!

  50. Trees are so important, as is really all living plants and creatures on this earth. :-)

    I'm already a follower here so I want to thank you for dropping by my blog and following + commenting. And I hope you had some yummy pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. :p

    Take care,

  51. Gina Alfani says:

    I love being surrounded with trees and plants in general . . . and all the wildlife that comes to visit because of it.

    Thanks for following me . . . I'm following you back as well :)


  52. Small Footprints says:

    Your post reminds me that the simplest of actions can have huge benefits. Thank you for the tip!

  53. Great ideas! Your blog is full of very useful and interesting information. Thank you for sharing what you know!

  54. Thanks for sharing these green living tips!

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