# 4 Reduce-Reuse-Recycle
Part 1 – Reduce
The critical first step of waste prevention has been overshadowed by a focus on recycling. Please help to promote a greater awareness of the importance of the “Reduce” part of the Reduce-Reuse-Recycle mantra.
- Simplify: Simplify your life as much as possible. Only keep belongings that you use/enjoy on a regular basis. By making the effort to reduce what you own, you will naturally purchase less/create less waste in the future.
- Reduce Purchases: In general, think before you buy any product – do you really need it? How did the production of this product impact the environment and what further impacts will there be with the disposal of the product (and associated packaging materials)?
- Replace Disposables: Wherever possible, replace disposable products with reusable ones (i.e., razor, food storage, batteries, ink cartridges (buy refill ink), coffee filters, furnace or air conditioner filters, etc.).
- Buy Used: Buy used products whenever possible. Some sources:
– local thrift stores
– Kijiji http://www.kijiji.ca/
– eBay http://www.ebay.ca/
– Craigslist http://geo.craigslist.org/iso/ca
– Amazon http://www.amazon.ca/
– Freecycle http://www.freecycle.org/
– local newspaper listings
– local garage sales
– local used furniture stores
– local consignment stores
- Borrow From Friends: If you only need something temporarily, ask if a friend or neighbor would loan it to you.
- Share With Friends: Share things like books, magazines, movies, games, and newspapers between friends and neighbors.
…There is a lot of information on this topic and the post is getting very long, so I’ll continue it next Saturday!!
Much of the information contained in this post was obtained, with permission, from the following site –
Hi Monica! These are some really great tips. I need to work harder at being green! Thank you for stopping by and visiting my blog. I am your newest follower. Have an excellent weekend!
Hi Monica! Great tips I love buying on ebay and kijiji..
I'm stopping by from the Blog Entourage. You can find me at http://canadiancouponmom.blogspot.com/
Those are great tips. I know it sometimes seems overwhelming.. this makes it more manageable.
I'm a new follower from the Crazed Fan Blog Hop!
Hi Monica! Great site! Thanks for the follow from the weekend blog hop. I'm following you back!
I'm following you, won't you follow me :) @ http://www.letsstartsavingnow.com. I love these blog hops, you always find wonderful blogs.
Thank you for the tips! I'm all about simplicity and reducing waste.
New blog hop follower
Sweet T Makes Three
Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday! I'm your newest follower.
Thanks, that is a nice quick reference for being green. Thank you also for stopping by and following my blog. I am here returning the favor.
Great blog Monica!…I'm following you back on goggle and twitter too : )
Such great advice. We hear so much about recycling… but not about wastefulness. Excellent post.
Thank you for stopping by my Design blog today. I am so happy to have met you. Can't wait to see what else you have to share.
Love your informative Blog! Following!
Angela I.
awesome tips!
Another Canadian blogger– new gfc follower. I'm at http://simplyshopandsave.ca
Hi Monica! Great tips! Thanks for linking back to my blog on your Stylish Blogger Award!! Have a great weekend!
Hey, great tips! I also LOOOOVE the local library where I can borrow books/mags for free! If I love a book/mag THAT much I buy it (secondhand)! But don't often do this – there are so many more to borrow that I can't keep up!!
Have a great weekend!
Great tips…we all think about recycling,(well me anyway)..but sometimes not so much about reducing!! Thanks for the reminders!!
Thanks for visiting "Mrs. No-No Knows"! I am now following you back! :) Hope you will stop back often and put in your two cents.
Carla aka Mrs. No-No
Mrs. No-No Knows
What great tips!
Thanks for linking up and for following me! Glad you put our button up too! Stopping by to return the follow
Good advice!
Thank you for following me, and I am following you back! I'm searching for a new fiction title, so if you have one, please let me hear it!
Great tips!
Awesome blog!!
I'm your latest follower on GFC!
Following you from the hop :-)
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Hello dear,
Thanks a lot for following my blog. I am returning the love. Keep your great posts coming! Take care!
divine's memoirs
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I wish I could do more of those ideas! Going to try harder..following you back!
GREAT list! Craigslist and the curb are two of my favs!
Great tips, wonderful blog. Thanks for sharing. My local library is one of my fav places to hang out. Thanks for stopping by my site. I hope you'll come back again. Following you back. http://cherishedhandmadetreasures.blogspot.com/
Great article!! thanks for following, looking forward to following your site as well!!
~ Lorna
Thank you for the tips! So happy to find another blogger involved with being green. I've been a follower already so thanks for following me, too.