Chilly trip to Walmart for the new canister of #EqualCanada

I had quite a few errands to run this past Saturday, so I decided to get an early start and hopefully beat the crowds.  Let me tell you,  it was not easy to venture outside on this very cold  ( -18C) morning.

My first stop will be at Walmart.

Like many people, my New Year resolution is to lose a few pounds by exercising, eating healthier and making smarter food choices.
We always have a big dinner on Sundays, and of course that includes dessert!!  I’ve decided to bake brownies, but instead of the regular high sugar recipe I usually use, I went to the Equal Canada website and found a great brownie recipe that I can’t wait to try!
So, into Walmart I go to look for the new Equal granulated sweetener in the yellow canister.  This is a new product from #EqualCanada and it measures cup for cup like sugar and bonus, it’s supposed to be on “rollback” for $7.97 {as compared to $9.97}…that’s a sweet deal!! {lol, pun intended!!}

The Equal was proving difficult to find and I had to ask for help.  A very sweet lady who was working in the centre aisle immediately directed me to the pharmacy section.
I had been  looking in the “food section”,  in the aisle with the sugars.  I would never have thought to look in the pharmacy department.
While on my way to the pharmacy section, I  noticed several ceiling mounted monitors, like this one below, all advertising great Walmart deals!

Once I was in the right area I found the Equal with no problem, I immediately noticed the large canister with the bright yellow packaging!  However, what I did not see was the familiar red “rollback” sign I was expecting.  The price was $7.97, but there was nothing indicating it was a “rollback” price and regularly priced at $9.97.
I grabbed the Equal and quickly picked up a couple other items I needed:  poppy seeds {only $1.87}, a bin to store my pot covers and apricot preserves {for my brownie recipe}.

I was anxious to get back home to my cozy woodstove, but, I still had a few more stops to make. It was very crowded at the regular check-out…but, you have to love the new 1-10 checkout!  Even though the line was long, there were six checkouts open so I was out of the store in just a couple of minutes!

On Sunday, I made the brownies, using this recipe, they were the perfect end to our Sunday dinner!  

Want more information about Equal?
Visit the Equal website, follow @EqualCanada on twitter and like Equal Canada on Facebook


Disclosure – This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias {#CBias}, all opinions expressed are my own.


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10 Responses to Chilly trip to Walmart for the new canister of #EqualCanada

  1. Jennifer - Canadian Coupon Mom says:

    Yummy! and great that it is a bit healthier as it is made with Equal. That is a great price :)

  2. Nancy says:

    Those brownies look tremendous!

  3. Olfa@ourfamilyworld says:

    It was really freezing on Saturday here too. Minus 20 brr.
    These brownies look delicious. I love chocolate desserts: I usually have them after lunch with a hot coffee

  4. Donna McDine says:

    Yikes -18C! Thank you for visiting and following me during the Toast to 2012 Giveaway. I’m now following you.

    Best regards,
    Award-winning Children’s Author
    The Golden Pathway Story book Blog
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  5. pharma feedback says:

    Yummy! and great that it is a bit healthier as it is made with Equal. That is a great price :)
    Jennifer, it is a great price and it’s a really big canister!

  6. Pam says:

    Oh! Your brownie looks so good. I see making that recipe in the very near future.

    I love those express lines at WalMart, they do move very quickly. And, I am stealing your idea for keeping pot lids neat :)

    • Monica says:

      Feel free to steal away!! I also keep reusable lunch container in one, travel cups and mugs in one, etc, etc…works really well!!

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