Well, it was a fun and busy week-end. In addition to the usual week-end happenings, I participated in my first Biannual Blogathon Bash. The Blogathon ran from 8am Friday, March 9 until 8am Monday March 12 EST., that’s a possible 72 hours, make that 71 hours {for those of us who had Daylight Saving Time happen} of blogging!
You certainly weren’t expected to blog for the entire time, just to set aside as much time as possible over the week-end to accomplish some blogging housekeeping chores! How much time did I spend on blogging chores? Conservatively speaking, I spent 19.5hours…not to shabby!
What did I accomplish in these 19.5hours? Well…I have to admit, I was not able to cross off everything on my to do list. However, I am very happy with what I did accomplish and will definitely consider doing it again. It was great motivation to dig in there and tackle all those jobs that have been put on the back burner.
Here’s my ambitious “to do” list and I crossed off the “chores” as I completed them.
- Schedule at least 12 of my posts for the upcoming April A – Z Challenge. {I didn’t complete 12 posts, but I did write and schedule 6, so I’m pretty happy with that.}
- Work on lowering my Alexa rank. {Never got to this one at all…maybe in June??}
Update my “Recipes” tab.√ -
Update my “Giveaway Winners” tab. √ -
Update my “Buttons & Things” tab.√ -
Participate in the “Mini Challenges” available for this blogathon.√ {completed all except #5 which was n/a} - Complete the 3 reviews/giveaways I have pending. {I didn’t complete 3, but I did complete 1, I’ll post it as soon as I’m finished writing this}
Visit my fellow “Biannual Blogathon Bash” participants. {List is in left sidebar}√ - {UPDATE} – I’ve just discovered another “to do” task which may actually take me 72 hours (lol)… Add the Alexa verification ID to the home page of Older Mommy Still Yummy…h…e…l…p…!!! {Nope, haven’t tackled this yet…every time I looked at it on the list, I started getting chest pain…lol}
Looking at this list, I feel like I accomplished many tasks that would not have been completed if I hadn’t participated in this Blogathon, thanks Calista…now, to start that list for the next Blogathon which is going to be June 15-17, 2012!
Thanks for joining in. Did you at least download the Alexa toolbar? Just having it works towards lowering your rank each time you visit your own site (up to once a day anyways)
See you in June!
Kathleen, Yes, I do have the Alexa toolbar,however, I didn’t realize visiting your own site worked toward lowering your rank!
Thanks for a very fun and busy Blogathon Bash, I’m already looking forward to June’s bash!!
Wow, I would say you amazingly well!! Your site is great and gives me something to aspire to!!
Make that “did” amazingly well…. it’s been a long week-end!!!
It was a lot of fun!! I think I need the stress of a challenge to really motivate me!!
Great job. Looks like you got alot done.
Thanks Clarinda, I did get a lot done and had a lot of fun doing it!
Wow, you did a great job. I’ll certainly try to be a better participant next time.
Kathy, it was fun, plus I need the stress of a deadline to motivate me :)