Celebrate International Women’s Day

See part 1 of series – Introduction
See part 2 of series – Quiz


In 1977, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution calling on member states to proclaim a day for women’s rights and international peace. Following the United Nations’ lead, Canada chose March 8 as International Women’s Day.

Each year at this time, Canadians celebrate progress toward equality for women and their full participation, reflect on the challenges and barriers that remain, and consider future steps to achieving equality for all women, in all aspects of their lives.

Over time, International Women’s Day has grown into a week-long series of commemorative events and activities across the country. International Women’s Week 2012 begins on Sunday, March 4 and wraps up on Saturday, March 10.

I encourage all Canadians — women and men, girls and boys — to promote International Women’s Day / International Women’s Week. Better yet, why not organize your own event in your community, organization or workplace?

All content in this post was obtained from Status of Women Canada website.

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