Keep your kids safe around household chemicals!

Chances are you have a variety of household chemical products at home, like cleaning liquids and powders, drain cleaners and paint. These can pose serious health risks to children if they are not used and stored properly.

Tips for chemical safety at home

  • Make sure all child-resistant containers are functioning properly.
  • Teach children that hazard symbols mean “Danger! Do not touch.
  • Read the label before every use and store chemicals according to the instructions, in a place where children cannot see or reach them. Always store chemicals in their original containers. Make sure the labels are not removed or covered.
  • Never mix chemicals together.
  • Keep emergency numbers by the phone (e.g., for your local poison control centre)

Did You Know…

If your child swallows or is injured by contact with a chemical product:

  • Call your local Poison Control Centre immediately.
  • Give all information from the product label to the person on the phone.
  • Bring the container with you when you go to the hospital or for other medical help.

Download this PDF file put out by Health Canada.  It is a guide for adults to use when teaching preschool children about the hazard symbols.  It is titled,Stay Safe: An Educational Guide to Hazard Symbols; it’s a great resource filled with valuable information and lots of fun activities.

All information in the above post was obtained from the Government of Canada, Healthy Canadians website.

The material provided on this site is designed for information and educational purposes only. The materials are not intended to be a self diagnostic and/or self treatment tool. I encourage you to use this information as a tool for discussing your condition with your health practitioner.


  1. Oak Lawn Images says:

    Lots of great information! Thanks for posting. Reminders are never old and new information is always there to be discovered.

  2. Thanks Kathy, even if we don’t have toddlers at home we could have them visit or many homes have little grandbabies that come to spend time with Grampy and Grammie!

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