Our Book Club’s choice for May – “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” by Rebecca Skloot

This is the book we are reading for May in the book club I belong to. I must be living under some type of rock because, until it was picked at book club,  I had never before heard of this book.

For a few reasons, I’m very much looking forward to reading this book.  As some of you may know, I’m an R.N., so this really piqued my interest, I also have a great love of biology (if you’re not sure whether to believe me on this, check out my posts on the A-Z Challenge…lol) and finally, having now heard a bit about the story I have a strong desire to learn all about Henrietta Lacks and her impact on the world.

Have you read the book?

If so, what did you think of it?

Here’s the book trailer, a little information to whet your appetite!


  1. Oak Lawn Images says:

    I’m part way through it and I found it fascinating. Can’t wait to get back to it, but am working on this Challenge right now.
    Kathy at Oak Lawn Images

    • I haven’t started it yet either…been busy with the challenge, etc. too but I’m looking forward to reading it!

  2. I read this book about a year or two ago. My sister recommended it to me. It was amazing. I actually live near Baltimore. It doesn’t surprise me that something like this could happen in the 1950’s. What does surprise me is that I hadn’t heard about it before. It is a very interesting read.

    • Annie, I’m glad you enjoyed the book and I’m very excited to start reading it, I think I’m going to like it!

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