Colleens Book Nook is having a big celebration and you’re invited!

It’s a 10K Celebration {Free Blogger SignUp}

{May 21-June 2}

Colleen now have 10K Facebook Fans and is offering Bloggers 2 FREE links of your choice to help her say thanks to her fans & share the FUN!

Hurry if you want to join in as she is only taking sign ups through May 17th!

If you want to join the celebration, it’s simple:

1. Post the HTML & RC for the giveaway ( that she will send you ) on your site to go live May 21

2. Promote it DAILY on one of your medias during May 21- June 2 …. then you are welcome to sign up for 2 FREE links…. The  HTML & RC for the giveaway will be sent  to you on May 19.

Additional links may be purchased for $2.00 a link, maximum of 3 additional links. If you would like additional links, please send money via paypal to:

This 10K Celebration giveaway is going to be a $150 Gift Card of the Winner’s Choice….May 21-June 2.   Money taken in for the extra links will be added to the $150 Gift Card prize. NO administrative fees.

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