Our Book Club’s choice for June – Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks

I had a bit of a difficult time getting my hands on a copy of this book.  I wasn’t going to shell out the cash for a hardcover, the trade paperback was sold out in my area and the paperback version wasn’t due out until June 22nd.

I thought of ordering on-line but that involved paying for shipping.  Usually when I order books on-line I have 2-3 or more to order, so I qualify for free shipping, which was not available with this one book.

Long story short, last week one of the lovely book club members knew I was looking, saw a copy and snagged it for me!!  {Thanks Donna!!}

I’m about half way through the book right now and I’m feeling a bit of deja vu…like I have already read this book, which I haven’t. Last evening it dawned on me why I was feeling like this and now I think I can predict what is going to happen in the second half.   I feel a psychological thriller coming on, à la,  Sleeping with the Enemy.

If the second half plays out as I anticipate, I will be disappointed and Nancy Price, the author of Sleeping with the Enemy may have legal grounds for some type of copyright infringement!  However, if it plays out differently than I anticipate, I will be pleasantly surprised!

Have you read this book?

What did you think of it?

Do you see the similarities that I do?



  1. I saw those same similarities!!

  2. Patricia says:

    You know you are getting old, or senile…..or both when……. I just finished reading the book about 2 weeks ago, and am almost through another, and I can’t remember the plot!!! I do remember really liking the book though!!!

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