Don’t throw it out, recycle your dehumidifier water! {#LivingGreen}

Tip # 55

Recycle collected dehumidifier water!

We have a dehumidifier and during the summer months we empty the collection reservoir of several litres of water daily.  Instead of dumping it down the drain, we use the water to water the garden and potted plants.

My sister over at Oak Lawn Images and Myotonic Dystrophy – Our Family’s Journey,  dumps the collected water from her dehumidifier into her washer.  When she needs to do laundry she already has a good start on filling the washer tub.

What do you do with the water collected by your dehumidifier?  Have any good tips?  I’ll post them here.

Kathy says:  I put some in our dog’s water dish. I figured if she’ll drink from a puddle, then that water should be fine.


  1. I put some in our dog’s water dish. I figured if she’ll drink from a puddle, then that water should be fine. Watering the plants is a great idea, especially the ones that are in the basement. It saves carrying a container from upstairs…thus saving your own energy, too.

  2. ashley picco (mamawee) says:

    we don’t have one, but my mom does and she uses it for her garden

  3. Ohhh I’ve never thought about reusing the water. I can’t believe we’ve been dumping it. I need to start using it for my garden :) Great post!

  4. Jennifer says:

    great tip, we used to dump ours down the drain, what a waste

  5. Elva Roberts says:

    July 28-I think this water would be excellent for watering your plants, flowers or houseplants. My father had a barrel to catch rainwater and he would water the gsrden with it. My mother would sometimes take some and wash my hair in it. The water was very soft! People are starting to collect rainwater in barrels again. -el03ro

  6. Brooke Berry says:

    I have never thought of this, but living in the west, we have humidifiers, NOT dehumidifiers.

  7. Journeysof TheZoo says:

    I never thought about this, great idea! You could also use it to water plants like others suggested.

    Besos, Sarah
    Zookeeper at Journeys of The Zoo

  8. Water from dehumidifiers is not safe for animals. If you love your pet do not give it this water. Read the manufacturer safety instructions for more information. Use this water to clean floors, wash your car or to flush the toilet. Nothing else.

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