How To Keep Your Family Safe When Tenting

We still tent a lot, but when our kids were little we spent most of our summer week-ends tenting and we were always aware of some basic tenting rules.  Before you and your family set out on your next camping trip, do you know how to tent safety?


Photo attribution: Mwanner (CC)


  • Place your tent away from large overhead tree branches. Do not put your tent in a low-lying area in case of flooding.


  • Even though most tents are fire-retardant, you should still build your campfire downwind and at least 15 feet from your tent.

Standing Water

  • Ponds, large puddles and other forms of standing water is a breeding ground for insects. Do not place your tent near standing water.

Night Safety

  • Paint your tent stakes with a fluorescent paint so that no one trips over them in the night. Wrap your tent ropes with a fluorescent ribbon so they can easily be seen at night, as well.

Garbage Disposal

  • Place your trash in a designated trash area or at least 50 yards away from your tent. Garbage left overnight near a tent can attract predators such as bears.

Remember, have fun, but stay safe!

Information contained in this post obtained from: Tent Safety Rules.


  1. Danielle @ Royalegacy says:

    If I ever tent, I will be remembering these tips. Thanks so much!

  2. Florescent ribbon is a great tip. Many times I’ve tripped over the wires. Thanks for posting. I’ve heard it’s good to keep food in the trunk of your car if you’re in bear country, too.
    Kathy at Oak Lawn Images


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