Wordless Wednesday – Hibiscus {w/LINKY}

During a recent trip to Nova Scotia to visit relatives, I snapped this picture of a beautiful Hibiscus growing in my cousin’s garden!

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  1. Antonette says:

    Very pretty!

  2. Beautiful shot!

  3. Teresa from NanaHood says:

    Love the color! And cousins rock!

  4. Danielle @ Royalegacy says:

    What a beautiful red it is. My mother has some that are an orange pink.

  5. I,too, love the color of the hibiscus. What a great shot, I really like the rain drops that are still on the petals.

    Patricia, Sugar & Spice & All Things ? Nice

  6. Such a showy flower. Love it!

  7. Beautiful!!

  8. I love the water beads in this picture

  9. orangeheromama says:

    GORGEOUS!! I love them!

  10. I love Hibiscus flowers. Thanks for linking up with The Bewitchin’ Kitchen.

  11. Mommy Outside says:

    A beautiful flower!

  12. Krystal @ Uh Oh Mom! says:

    Pretty flower :)

  13. This is a beautiful shot! I love that pop of yellow at the end and the dewy look of the flower…gorgeous!

  14. Elizabeth L says:

    I agree with Kathryn, she literally wrote what i was going to say! Gorgeous!

  15. Jody @ Mommy Moment says:

    That is beautiful! Love the color!

  16. What a gorgeous flower.

  17. Christine says:

    Beautiful! Happy WW!

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