Wordless Wednesday ~ Tucking in the Horses ~ {w/LINKY}

Earlier this summer I was visiting my sister, it was dusk and at the farm next to her house, they were getting ready to bring the horses in for the night and tuck them into bed.

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  1. Lovely shot! Thanks for hosting and have a great week.

  2. Art of RetroCollage says:

    Wonderfully peaceful scene! Thanks for sharing this.

  3. Beautiful horses :)

  4. Stunning animals… Great pic!

    Mines up as well at AussiePomm – Sydney Olympic Cauldron Alight (again)

    Have a great WW!!

  5. Teresa from NanaHood says:

    I loved horses until one ran away with me. “Whoa!” didn’t slow him down a bit! Thanks for the link up!

  6. What a great picture! With the old-fashioned barn in the back it looks like something right out of the English countryside!

  7. BusyWorkingMama says:

    Beautiful horses!

  8. Judy Haughton-James says:

    These are very beautiful horses! Thanks for hosting.

  9. orangeheromama says:

    Awww. lovely!

  10. Elizabeth L says:

    I love horses! Great pic!

  11. Lynette @ My Wee View says:

    nice shot… bedtime for the horsies

  12. Journeysof TheZoo says:

    Love the shingled buildings.
    I linked up, http://www.journeysofthezoo.com/2012/09/ww-picasso-as-a-toddler.html

    Besos, Sarah
    Zookeeper at Journeys of The Zoo

  13. awww…night night horses!

  14. Such amazing animals. I could watch horses all day long.

  15. I love horses. It would be nice to watch that each night.

  16. Deborah / Mom2Michael says:

    Wonderful image! I love the shingled barns

  17. how lovely :)

  18. The young lady in this photo is there feeding her horse. You may know the young man’s Mom. Her name is Pam.
    I have so enjoyed seeing the horses in the fields all Summer long. They shared their feeding grounds with several deer all year. They’re such beautiful creatures to watch.
    This is a great photo!!!
    Kathy at Oak Lawn Images

    • Oh my goodness Kathy, I didn’t know that’s who it was. Do they stable their horses there? It would be quite a sight to see the deer and the horses together in the field, just as it would been 200 years ago!

  19. Jody @ Mommy Moment says:

    Love the view. I love older barns and the horses make such a beautiful photo :)

  20. Beautiful! Thanks for linking up!

  21. Lena Sledge's Blog says:

    Looks so tranquil, like a bed and breakfast. Lovely.

  22. Lily @Militaryfamof8 says:

    they look so beautiful, thanks for the linky

    • Thanks Lily, I think they’re beautiful creatures too and you’re very welcome for the linky, I’m glad you linked up!

  23. Everything about the picture is magnificent.

    • Thanks Rosey! Horses are such beautiful creatures and I couldn’t resist snapping the photo with the weathered barn in the background.

  24. Annie @ It's just my life... says:

    oh wow… just stunning!

  25. Christine (@chancesmommy) says:

    Beautiful horses and a great shot!

  26. Such a peaceful scene

  27. Mommy Outside says:

    Ahhhh makes me miss the farm!

  28. Thanks for sharing and hosting! Love this shot, seems so peaceful.

  29. Awww great pic! Thanks for sharing :)

  30. jessica @peekababy says:

    What amazing horses. Did you also get to kiss them goodnight on their fuzzy noses?

  31. Gorgeous horses

  32. Krystal @ Uh Oh Mom! says:

    Nice picture :)

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