Wordless Wednesday – Executive Assistant {w/LINKY}

This is Ronnie, my new Executive Assistant.

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  1. Jody @ Mommy Moment says:

    Fuzzy helper :)

  2. Mommy outside says:

    And I’m sure he is a great help……

  3. Elizabeth L says:

    Does he/she get paid well? lol

  4. Paula Schuck says:

    Lol. I love cats. They are so helpful!

  5. Christine (@chancesmommy) says:

    Love this pic! So cute!

  6. What a sweetie! My cat always tries to help me work too, but she insists on putting her head RIGHT in front of the screen! Lol

  7. orangeheromama says:

    cats are sooo crazy!!

  8. Oh that’s flippin’ hysterical!!!

  9. Deborah / Mom2Michael says:

    My furry assistant is PJ Tricky. He likes to lay down on inappropriate keys when I’m typing. Sigh.

  10. hehehe cute!

  11. hehe that’s one cute little helper! :)

  12. Manager to Mom says:

    I R in yr Bloggr checking yr statz!

  13. Everyone loves a well groomed assistant. :)

  14. How adorable! My kitty likes to sit directly in front of the screen.

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