~ The 50 Things You May Not Know About Me ~

I was visiting some other blogs that are part of a blogging group I belong to when I stumbled upon the idea to create a list of , “The 50 Things You May Not Know About Me”.  I loved reading the list at Shoes, Fashion, Fitness… so much that I decided to try to come up with my own.  It was so much fun that I really hope you will give it a try too!!

So, here goes….

  1. I love baking.
  2. The only radio station I listen to is the CBC.
  3. One of our children lives in London, Ontario.
  4. I feel a responsibility to the health of our planet.
  5. I am completely devoid of musical ability.
  6. We live in a town called “Quispamsis”.
  7. I have recited “Twas the Night Before Christmas”, from memory, every Christmas Eve to anyone who will listen, for the past 35 years.
  8. I am married to the fabulous guy I started dating when I was 17.
  9. We have 2 adult children
  10. I am a HUGE advocate of animal rights.
  11. I like entertaining.
  12. I love music; my husband and kids each play at least two musical instruments each.
  13. My favourite colour is green.
  14. I have dipped my toes in both the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans.
  15. So far I have moved 5 times in my life but have never moved out of my home province.
  16. I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers.
  17. I drink a lot of coffee every day, think somewhere around 2 large (the new large) Tim’s.
  18. I believe in “ghosts”.
  19. I have never played organized sports but I am, by nature, very competitive.
  20. I like reading.
  21. I am a Registered Nurse.
  22. I am a Taurus {and yes, I am very stubborn…lol}
  23. My dad died when I was 20 and my mom in 2005.
  24. In season, on Saturday’s my daughter and I often go to go the the local Farmer’s Market and maybe even a few yard sales along the way.
  25. I like sushi and sashimi.
  26. I belong to a book club and we meet the last Monday of the month.
  27. I love to travel.
  28. I do not have, or never will have, an athletic bone in my body.
  29. I like to write.
  30. We have a kitty named Kazzy.
  31. I usually prefer white wine over red.
  32. I like knitting but don’t seem to get around to doing it very often.
  33. I wish I had been a teacher.
  34. I don’t like staying by myself at night.
  35. I like to play board games and cards.
  36. I love to garden in May, June and July, but lose interest in August.
  37. I wish I had been born with red hair.
  38. As a nurse, I worked for several years in the Operating Room and I LOVED it!
  39. My middle name is Margaret.
  40. I love camping.
  41. I have never watched Miracle on 34th Street, It’s a Wonderful Life, or White Christmas.
  42. I have a huge crush on Jim Cuddy.
  43. I am a self confessed neat/clean freak/perfectionist.
  44. I like HGTV and the Food Network.
  45. I love infants.
  46. I have no piercings or tattoos.
  47. I love art, my latest obsessions are creating collages and painting in watercolours.
  48. I don’t like beer.
  49. My favourite movie is “The Notebook”.
  50. I live on Canada’s east coast, just minutes from the ocean, but don’t really like lobster, shrimp, clams or mussels.

I borrowed this idea from Shoes, Fashion, Fitness… I hope you enjoyed reading my list of 50 Things and I would love to read yours.  If you create one, be sure to leave me a comment so I can come and visit!



  1. Bobbi Hajek says:

    Love this Monica, must admit I knew a few, but learned a little more. Your blog is always fun to read.:-)

    • Hey Bobbi Jo, how are things in sunny and warm Costa Rica? Shannon and I went for a walk last night and I was thinking of you two…it was minus 23 C and we were so bundled up we looked like two toddlers going out to play…Brrrr….

      Thanks for your sweet comment :)

  2. Great idea! I loved reading your list :)

    “I’ll wash you down Jim” Haha

  3. Oh I love this. I think I may come up with a list too, though you have many more talents and interests than I do. I always love a challenge…Hey there’s #1!! lol

  4. Cool…..read Kathy’s as well but can’t figure out how to reply to her site…. :-) :-)

    • Frank, at the very bottom of the post you’ll see a couple other comments and also a spot for you to add a comment.

  5. Great list! I may just have to take on the challenge and share this on my blog too.

  6. Christine says:

    Like you, I prefer white wine over red. The tanins in the reds give me migraines :( Love that you only listen to CBC radio! My hubs too! I’m a channel/station surfer. Love getting toknow you more :)

  7. Sugar & Spice & All Things ? Nice says:

    Love this post. Monica, there were even a few I did not know about you. I love the fact that the post does not follow a pattern, but rather “random” things put in a random order!! Now off the read Kathy’s!!

  8. gingermommy says:

    Love learning about you :)I am from London ON

  9. angie williams says:

    borrowed :)


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