ABC Friday Photo Share – B is for ….

For this week’s ABC Friday Photo Share, I have picked – B is for Beach.

ABC Friday Photo Share

Every July, my sisters and I go on a “girls only” camping trip to a nearby Provincial Park; this is a photo taken last summer on the beach at sunset!  C’mon…July!!

ABC Photo Share

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  1. Mommy Outside says:

    Oh that looks so warm and wonderful. I look out the window and it’s snowing, again :(

  2. Sugar & Spice & All Things ? Nice says:

    OMG!! You have no idea how I look forward to that “alone” time with Mother Nature the only person we need to look after!!!
    Looking at this photo, puts me in a peaceful mood for the rest of the day!!!

  3. such a great shot! ooohhh how I miss the beach, especially this time of year! thanks for linking up!

  4. I was thinking, just the other day, about how nice it’s going to be to do our ‘girls camping’ trip again.
    Beautiful photo!
    Kathy at Oak Lawn Images

  5. Freda Mans says:


  6. Oh I need a beach right now!! July isnt that far off….

  7. orangeheromama says:

    Mmmm! Gorgeous!!

  8. Lovely beach! Which Provincal Park? It’s making me think Pinery and I’m wondering if I’m way off.

    • Deanna, it is New River Beach Provincial Park in New Brunswick. It is a fairly small park with a few walking trails, camping, 1 little store and the most spectacular scenery! Where is Pinery?

  9. Julia @AskMamaMOE says:

    What an amazing shot with the perfect footprints! The beach is one of my favourite places in the world. Any time of year!!

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