Canada Rocks Giveaways linky {January 7th – January 13th}

Giveaways linky

Welcome to Canada Rocks Giveaways linky!  This is the place where you can link up all your Canadian friendly giveaways and/or enter some awesome giveaways too!

Giveaways may also be open to US or WW but must be open to Canadians to be included.

Please include: giveaway name, who the giveaway is open to and the end date.

Example: My amazing giveaway, Can/US, Ends 6/12

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4 Responses to Canada Rocks Giveaways linky {January 7th – January 13th}

  1. Diana @ Toronto Teacher Mom says:

    Thanks for the linky!

    • Monica says:

      You are very welcome Diana and I hope you’ll keep coming back, we post a new linky every Monday.

  2. Michelle B says:

    Thanks for the Link up :)

    • Monica says:

      You are very welcome Michelle and I hope you’ll keep coming back, we post a new linky every Monday :)

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