Are you participating in the Itty Bitty Blogathon?

Itty Bitty BlogathonI’m very much looking forward to participating in the first ever, Itty Bitty Blogathon!  I have taken part in the three 72 hour Biannual Blogathon Bashes, and each time have been able to accomplish a lot!

This is a mini version of the Biannual Blogathon Bash and lasts 24 hours.  The event begins Saturday March 23 10:00 AM EST/EDT and continues until Sunday March 24 10:00AM EST/EDT.

If you want to join in, it’s not too late; just make sure you have SIGNED UP at the event page to participate. Check back HERE tomorrow (March 23) for another post about the event with the rest of the information you need.

My “to do” list –

  • Write 6 posts for the A to Z Blogging Challenge {Starts April 1st}
  • Review 20 old posts and update links, photos and content to meet stricter SEO guidelines
  • Participate in the “Mini Challenges” available for this blogathon
  • Complete 1 of the reviews/giveaways I have pending.
  • Visit my fellow “Itty Bitty Blogathon” participants.
  • Try to figure out how to get my posts to show in the appropriate tabs.  I know this is simple thing for many people but I haven’t been able to figure it out.  I know it has to do with categories/pages…but that is where my knowledge ends.

Hmmmm…. seems fairly ambitious, but hopefully, I’ll be able to take a big chunk out of my “to do list”.

Hope to see you at the Itty Bitty Blogathon!


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