~ CLOSED ~ Fisher-Price “Million Moments of Joy” Campaign & Contest {8 Winners}

Fisher-Price is launching the “Million Moments of Joy”campaign which celebrates the REAL joys of motherhood. The real, honest-to-goodness, the good, and scary, the stressful, and the downright ridiculous moments we all experience as mothers!

Life as a mom is filled with so many wonderful moments when our heart swells and is so OVERsized we feel it will burst with happiness.  As a new mom we cherish all the “firsts”,  first haircut to first steps and first birthday to first day of school.  We try our best to record every single moment and do everything in our power to make their tiny lives as perfect and stress free as possible.

Million Moments of Joy

As they grow, life gets more  complicated: ballet lessons, soccer, birthday parties, hockey, family time, baseball, sleepovers, drama club, skating, car pools and the list goes on.

Many of us, myself included, are OVERachievers.  We really need to step back and recognize that we cannot be everything, to everybody, every moment, of every day.  We can try our best, but really, as long as we love our children, they feel that love and we always have their best interest at heart, it is definitely OK to be less than perfect at every single thing we do.

When they are grown our children won’t remember, bathtubs that always sparkled, expertly crafted Halloween costumes, exquisite dinner parties, gourmet meals or pristine floors.  They will however, remember playing with you in the yard, baking cookies together, bedtime stories and family fun.

Million Moments of Joy

Moms need to cut themselves some slack.  We are not robotic machines that can operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year spitting out a perfect cookie, a perfectly decorated home or a perfectly crafted holiday every 2 seconds; we are human, we are NOT perfect.

In our quest to give our children and ourselves this lofty and unattainable goal of perfect life, we will often feel OVERwhelmed, OVERtired, OVERworked and often just OVERit; and that’s OK!  As long as we remember what is truly important we will be much more than perfect, to our children we will be OVERlyperfect.

When you are trying to make everything OVERlyperfect by attempting to juggle the many, many, balls that are children, home, husband, work, school, meals, homework, activities, friends, and on and on,  try to stop, take a deep breath and remember these words:

“The cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow, For children grow up, as I’ve learned to my sorrow. So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust go to sleep. I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.”

These words were written on a mug {the mug I always asked to have my tea in!} of my very dear friend, and to me, these words speak volumns and truly say it all.

Over the years, when I have been feeling OVERtired, OVERstressed, and basically OVERit, I try to recall these words, recite them in my head and take them into my heart!  I hope you will also take them into yours.

Fisher-Price is celebrating the full range of emotions that we as moms and dads often feel.  From OVERjoyed to OVERtired and OVERwhelmed to just OVERit.  Starting March 5, 2013 you  can share your Million Moments of Joy by uploading a picture, video or text to enter the contest and see what other moms are feeling.


- The contest launches on March 5, 2013 and runs for 8 weeks

- The contest site is here: www.fisherprice.ca/momentsofjoy

- By uploading a photo or video, you could be eligible to win one of eight weekly prize packs!

The AWESOME prizes are:

Weekly prize for 8 weeks (8 prizes in total!)

The value of each prize pack is approximately $200 and each prize pack consists of:

  • My Little Snugabunny™ Bouncer ($89.99 CAD)
  • Laugh & Learn™ Dance & Play Puppy ($59.99 CAD)
  • Ocean Wonders™ Aquarium ($54.99 CAD)

Good luck everyone!




“Disclosure – I am participating in the Million Moments of Joy Blogger Campaign by Mom Central Canada on behalf of Fisher-Price. I received compensation as a thank you for participating and for sharing my honest opinion. The opinions on this blog are my own.”


  1. Great contest. Enjoy the real moments. :)

  2. Wiser words have never been spoken, I try and remember this when I am scrambling to get the house cleaned.

  3. Catherine White - Oak Lawn Lady says:

    I absolutely love that saying. It reminds me of the many times Grammie would take the time to rock us, in her squeeky rocking chair, by the wood stove and leave the dishes to be washed and floors to be swept, for later. Those are great photos of the kids, love them too.

  4. Tammy @inRdream says:

    I love this campaign and the moments we can share with each other as mothers.

  5. Deanna T. says:

    From overjoyed to overwhlemed. Yeah that about sums up the realities of motherhood. Great post, and I love that snowman pic!

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