Please join me in giving a warm Canadian welcome to “Life without Lemons”. Originally hailing from the UK and now living in Canada, we are very excited to announce that, Elyse with her fabulous “52 Breads in 2013″ will be our weekly guest blogger. If you are looking for some fabulous bread recipes, drop by each week and see what delicious bread Elyse has baked in her kitchen.
A life without lemons is like swimming in the nude. You can do it, but it just feels wrong.
A Life Without Lemons is my little blog about food, family and an ongoing love affair with gin and tonic.I am a wife, mother of two lovely (loud, messy, crazy) boys, trained butcher and passionate cook of all things tasty. I moved from rainy England to snowy Canada in 2011 and planned to make friends and influence people with food and gin.
In 2013 I have embarked on a baking mission to make 52 different breads. All of the recipes are from one book- Women’s Institute: Bread. I have no special tools or fancy equipment. Just me, my kitchen and a pre heated oven.
Why not come along for the ride and make some bread……….
“52 Breads in 2013″
#15 Bagels {RECIPE}
OK, let me start with a confession;
I have made bagels many times before so making a batch for my bread project would be easy, right? Think again! I am blaming the Masters Golf that was shown on the TV over the weekend. I like watching golf and as I casually placed my bagels to do their second rise in a warm oven I sat back to watch the golf (no sunny spots in my house to place them in, which is what I normally do). I totally forgot about the bagels and I think my oven was a little hotter than I had given it credit for and by the time I noticed I had killed off any yeast power left in them! I baked them anyway, just to see what would happen and what actually happened is that I created the very first hockey pucks with a delightful smell of fresh bread. I cursed under my breath as I threw the rock hard disasters into the garbage! I poured myself a (large) gin and tonic and sat back to watch the golf- my bread could wait till tomorrow………
So with a new day I started a new batch, hence my post coming today, rather than my usual Monday spot. Baking always has it’s highs and lows and that is kinda what I love about it.
TASTE: They are chewy and delicious. Perfect fresh and even better toasted the day after.