Beef in Beer ~ Delicious! {with Recipe Link}

I have made this recipe, Beef in Beer, on several occasions and have absolutely LOVED it each time.  It is from Laura Calder’s book, French Taste, Elegant Everyday Eating.  The aroma in the kitchen as this is cooking is amazing, your mouth will be watering the entire time, the taste, unbelievably good and the beef just falls apart it is so tender!

Beef in Beef

Laura Calder actually lives not far from me and although I don’t know her, I have met her a couple of times.  Both occasions were at local farmers’ markets where she was promoting her cookbooks.  The first time we met she was promoting this book and the second time we met she was promoting her book, Dinner Chez Moi, The Fine Art of Feeding Friends.  {Of course, I bought that one too!}

She has a very laid back and relaxed demeanour and was super sweet and friendly, we talked a bit about her Food Network show, French Food at Home, and she asked me if I liked the newer episodes.  She was so incredibly nice, a typical Maritime girl…lol!

Beef in Beer

Beef in Beer

Beef in Beer

I most recently made this recipe for a dinner party we were hosting.  It was super convenient to be able to make it the day before;  the night of the party I just reheated it, cooked the egg noodles, tossed some veges together, picked up a loaf of artisan bread, some wine and we were good to go!

Beef in Beer




  1. What’s the recipe?

    • I will add a link JoJo, I didn’t share initially as I thought I needed special permission, which I had asked for but hadn’t as yet heard back. However, when investigating further I found the recipe on line, so I guess it’s OK to share it here too. Here is the link –

      {I’ll also hyperlink it in this post and the post I did yesterday}

  2. Sugar & Spice & All Things ? Nice says:

    Am definitely adding that recipe to my virtual recipe box. Hope I get to see Ms.Calder this summer and will also get a copy of her cook book!

  3. Erika E says:

    I made this the other night, well, I had to omit the onions or my son won’t eat it, but it was delicious!

    • I m so happy you liked it Erika, it has become my go to recipe when we entertain because you can make it a day ahead! I’ll often make it for Sunday dinner too. I have always served it with the noodles but I think, next time I am going to try it with the potatoes, I am betting that too would be delicious!


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