#HNCHeartyOatCrunch ~ Twitter Party Alert! We all have our classic faves whether it’s a movie, a novel, or a style – but who doesn’t love jazzing up those classics with something a little newer, a little more fresh, and just a little more delicious!? Whether it’s decorating, music, movies or that little black dress a fresh update is always welcome!
It works with food too – take a simple, classic cereal like Honey Nut Cheerios and toss in some brand new flavour & texture!
General Mills have done just that! They have taken the classic, much loved Honey Nut Cheerios and added crispy oat flakes and delicious nut clusters to make an oh so delicious new morning mix, Honey Nut Cheerios Hearty Oat Crunch!
Come join the party and chat about your favourite new takes on vintage classics, and you could win one of six awesome prizes!
When: May 30th, 2013 @ 9pm EST
Where: #HNCHeartyOatCrunch
Why: Fabulous prizes and great conversation!
Be Sure to Follow: @LifeMadeDelish and @MC_Canada
Check out the full Rules and Regulations here
I hope to see you there, it is going to be a fun party!
This is a huge pet peeve of mine, cereal companies loading down their products with nuts when nut allergies are among the highest of all other allergies, esp. peanuts. It precludes so many of us from enjoying these high fibre, healthy cereals. So many times I have had my hands on a box of cereal, only to scrutinize the ingredients and see ‘almonds’ listed: The one item that will send me to the hospital in anaphylactic shock. :(
Oh no JoJo, having an allergy such as that must be very scary for you! You certainly would have to be very careful with your choices.
Ugh. I hate how I get your email about this twitter party the day AFTER. I was so excited when I started reading about the twitter party only to realize it was last night yet I don’t get the email from you about it until 6am this morning. :-(
Hi Tiffany,
I am so sorry Tiffany, I just learned about the party yesterday morning but still wanted to get the word out there as much as possibles, I know how frustrating it must have been for you. Please accept my apology :(