I recently had the opportunity to review Always Infinity pads and even conducted a little experiment where I compared the Always Infinity to an Always Thick Pad.
- Made from space-age “Infinicel™” material.
- The Infinicel™ material remains unbelievably light, even while absorbing up to 10 times its weight for powerful protection like never before.
- The dual Flexi-Wing® design adapts to fit the curvature of your underwear for secure protection
- The Always Infinity core is actually two layers — one acquires fluid, the other holds it.
- Microdots™ provide super-fast absorption, while an incredibly soft cover adds comfort.
Experiment - to determine which pad would keep me dryer, longer.
1 Always Infinity pad, 1 Always thick pad, teaspoon, warm blue coloured water, non-absorbent surface, scissors.
- I removed the core from each pad and placed them side by side on the non-absorbent surface.
- I added 1 teaspoon coloured water to the core of each pad
- Waited 1 minute and and folded each core in half on itself, held 5 seconds and released.
- Checked the results
My Results:
The Infinity Pad acted like a wick to remove fluid from the surface of the pad to the central core. The pad core felt dry to the touch.
The Always Thick Pad absorbed the fluid but did not remove it from the surface. The pad core felt damp to the touch.
My Conclusion:
The Always Infinity pad felt drier to the touch than the Always Thick pad.
If you would like to learn more about the complete line of Always Infinity products you can connect with them via their: website, Facebook, Twitter sites.
{Older Mommy Still Yummy is a BzzAgent member. As part of this membership, we receive samples and products for testing and review purposes. As always, any opinions expressed are those of Older Mommy Still Yummy.}
Now that is a tricky review to conduct! You did an amazing job! The “Always” products have been part of my life for many many years!!