Most of us are well aware that we need to include foods rich in fibre in our daily diets. However, having the knowledge and actually being able to make it happen are often two different things!
Fibre is a vital part of a healthy diet, but most of us are getting less than half the recommended amount. Depending on their age and sex, children require between 19 and 38 grams of fiber per day.* A healthy adult needs 21 to 38 grams a day;* but, studies show the average daily Canadian intake of fibre is approximately half of the daily requirement.{*Canadian Heart & Stroke Foundation}
Good sources of fibre can be found mainly in grain products, vegetables and fruit as well as, meat alternatives such as beans and lentils. Despite our best efforts, it is often fairly difficult to get the recommended amounts of fiber in our diets each day.
I have found an simple and delicious way to boost my daily fibre intake and it couldn’t be easier. Just one serving of fibre 1 Almond & Cluster Delight cereal has a whooping 10 grams of fibre! Depending on your age and sex, that is an average of approximately 40% of your daily value of fibre per serving.
Made with slightly sweetened whole grain flakes, sliced almonds and sweet, crunchy almond-filled clusters it couldn’t be simpler to boost your fibre intake even more by munching on a handful or two at break time or sprinkling a little fibre 1 cereal on your yogurt or salads.
General Mills will be launching 7 brand-new products soon; for more information visit the General Mills’ Life Made Delicious page
General Mills is also now giving you an opportunity to increase your fibre intake too! From June 3rd through 25th (while supplies last), General Mills is offering you two free product coupons redeemable on either July 16th or July 23rd.
– July 16th coupon will be redeemable for either one (1) free box Fibre 1 Almond & Cluster Delight Cereal OR one (1) free box of Honey Nut Cheerios Hearty Oat Crunch
– July 23rd coupon redeemable for Nature Valley, Fibre 1 bars, Golden Grahams OR Cinnamon Toast Crunch treats!
I really enjoyed Fibre 1 Almond & Cluster Delight Cereal and will definitely purchase it again.
If you would like to follow along with all the Fibre 1 twitter chat, use the hashtag #Fibre1ACD.
Are you concerned you and your family are getting the recommended daily fibre intake?
What high fibre foods do you enjoy eating?
“Disclosure – I am participating in the Fibre 1 Almond & Cluster Delight Cereal blogger campaign by Mom Central Canada on behalf of General Mills. I received compensation as a thank you for participating and for sharing my honest opinion. The opinions on this blog are my own.”
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