Wordless Wednesday ~ Nothing Says Contentment Like….

This is our little rescued kitty, Harper Leigh; nothing says contentment like a happy kitty sleeping in the sun.  {We are outside with her, she has her harness on and is as safe as can be!}



  1. Soft kitty warm kitty little ball of fur
    Happy kitty sleepy kitty purr purr purr

  2. Christine (@chancesmommy) says:

    What a sweet photo! Ahhh…to be a cat! :)

    • I know Christine, isn’t that the life. I always tell my family, if there is reincarnation, I would like to come back as a cat named, Precious… lol

  3. Elizabeth L says:

    Awww Kitty – glad to see he is so happy with you guys!

  4. Nicole King says:

    So sweet!

  5. orangeheromama says:

    Awww. Such a sweetie!

    We have a rescue cat too! Love it!


  6. Kathleen says:

    Aww so cute! My cat, when you put a harness on her, she falls over like she can’t stand LOL.

    Stopping by to officially welcome you to the blogathon again. Glad to have you joining us!

    • lol…we have one that tends to do that too Kathleen. When we put her harness on she flops down and hardly moves, and when she does move she crawls on her belly!
      I’m looking forward to the blogathon…I have lots of housekeeping to do!

  7. she looks so happy!

  8. mommy oustide says:

    Ahh cats in the sun. I envy them!

  9. Kathryn says:

    Oh she’s completely adorable! Love how contented she looks! :)

  10. Lyne Proulx says:

    I wanted to write that Jojo lol! A fan of The Big Band Theory:)

    A cat’s life- Nothing in the world to worry about, thanks to you!

  11. Glenda Cates says:

    Love the kitty and his being a rescue is wonderful. Enjoy the sun and if you have the time Please stop by my Wordless Wednesday at http://mommiespov.com/comment-blog-lovin-hop/

  12. Lisa Marie says:


  13. Heather, Mmm... is for Mommy says:

    Rescue kitties are the bestest kitties <3

  14. Patricia says:

    Oohhh, Harper looks so content and happy!! Wouldn’t you like to be just like that , all curled up in a sunny spot with someone to feed and care for you??? Great shot!

  15. paula schuck says:

    Very sweet! I love cats and how lovely that you rescued her. She seems to have adjusted very nicely!

  16. Very cute kitty!

  17. Catherine White - Oak Lawn Lady says:

    Such a lucky and pretty kitty, that Harper Leigh. So happy she had a good and loving home now.
    Kathy at Oak Lawn Images

  18. Karren Haller says:

    Glad you could help a kitty in need. Come visit Digger and add you great sun photo in our Cats Cats Cats

    Then join me for Wordless Wednesday Wordless Wednesday The Unbelievable
    Hope you have a great day and thanks for hosting!!

  19. She definitely looks happy to be in a safe, warm, love-filled place.

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