Reading Group Choices ~ 2012 – 2013 {and our Format Outline}

Each year we meet the last Monday in August to discuss our Reading Group schedule for the coming year.  The way we usually work it is like this:

  • We all come armed with a couple book choices, including a little bit about the books we would like to submit.
  • We draw numbers, from 1 to 7 (we have seven members)
  • Whoever has number 1, has the first book choice, number 2, second choice and so on.  We are usually looking for 10 books (we skip December and instead, go out for a “Christmas dinner”), therefore, whoever picks numbers 1, 2 and 3 have 2 picks.
  • We then co-ordinate the schedule with everyone picking a month to host with 3 people needing to host twice.
  • Whoever picks the book acts as the facilitator and if you are facilitating you are usually not also the host.
  • It probably sounds a bit complicated but it is always very laid back. Everyone volunteers months very willingly, if we are looking for someone to host a second time and no one volunteers, it will usually revert to someone who hasn’t recently hosted twice in one year.
  • When we originally started our reading group we had a start time of 7PM and an end time of 9PM, but we have basically done away with the end time and now end whenever, but usually around 10ish.
  • For food we go with appetizers and wine or soft drinks while we discuss the book and end the evening with coffee/tea and a dessert.

We usually meet on the last Monday of the month and I always look forward to getting together with everyone, discussing “the book” as well as lots of chatting and catching up. I always feel a little sad when the last Monday in June arrives; however, I don’t want to wish the summer away as August will be here before we know it!

Our choices for 2012 ~ 2013

(A brief thought on each and my rating out of 5 stars)

Reading Group


Ten Thousand Truths by Susan White ~ This is by an author who is local to our area and we all loved it, what a great book. You can read my full review here.  (4½ stars)


Reading Group


Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese ~ A bit of a mixed review on this one but mostly positive.  I found it took a bit to get into it but I thought it was a really good book.   (4 stars)


Reading Group


11-22-63 by Stephen King ~ Quite a long read, not loved by everyone but definitely worth reading, not your “typical” Stephen King book.  (3 stars)




One Thousand White Women by Jim Fergus ~ Another great read, not a true story but it was based on an actual proposed event.  I really liked this one. (3½ stars)


Reading Group

The Book of Even More Awesome by Neil Pasricha ~ Not a favourite of mine. However, it may have been because I downloaded it to my Kobo.  I think I would have enjoyed it more just having it sitting on the coffee table and picking it up and thumbing through it every now and then.  (2½ stars)


Reading Group


The Fault in Our Stars by John Greene ~ I loved this and most were in agreement. A very touching and thought provoking book. (3½ stars)


Reading Group


Cats Table by Michael Ondaatje ~ A little confusing at times, but I liked this book.  I was however in the minority, many did not even finish it. (2½ stars)


Reading Group


The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom ~ Loved, loved this book!  What an interesting and totally heart wrenching story.  I would highly recommend this book! (4½ stars) 


Do you belong to a book club? If so, what type of a format do you have?

Have you read any of these books? If so, what did you think of them?

Do you have any suggestions for great books to read?



  1. Patricia says:

    From my perspective that ratings were great..may have given 11-22-63 a 3.5, but otherwise concur with you…. Now I have to pick some “summer reads”!!!

  2. Pat, I just downloaded Left Neglected on to my Kobo for beach reading and thinking I may need one more. I have Town House in paperback but I think I want one more for my Kobo, any suggestions?

    • Karyn Tibbitts says:

      Hi, Monica. Just reading your book pics. I loved Town House. Our community chose this for our Rothesay Reads pic. I personally know Lisa Genova. She interviewed my brother for her research for her Left Neglected book. Hope you like it. I am going read what I haven’t already read from your suggestions.

      • Hi Karyn, I am looking forward to reading Town House, my daughter has already read it and she loved it. How awesome that you know Lisa Genova, I loved Still Alice and have heard nothing but great things about Left Neglected. How interesting that she actually interviewed your brother for the book, that must have made it an extra special book for you. Hope you enjoy our picks and have a fun summer reading!

  3. Sharon Major says:

    May I suggest a few books that my bookclub enjoyed this year, starting with Before I Go To Sleep by S.J. Watson(5 STARS). We also enjoyed Hotel On The Corner Of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford (4 3/4). Both excellent books, in my opinion. And I also recommend The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. Enjoy!

    • Thanks Sharon, those sound like great suggestions. I am looking for a few books to read over the summer and may have to pick up a couple of these. A friend of mine also suggested, Before I Go To Sleep as a must read. Hope you have a great summer!

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