The Twisted Sisters Go Camping!

999812_10151491745826583_267872971_nAfter many weeks of counting the days, it is finally almost here.  Tomorrow I am heading out on a 6 day, 5 night camping trip with my sisters.  We’re going to be staying in a “rustic shelter” at a Provincial Park, in New Brunswick. This is our 5th year of what has become an annual event;  a way to get away for 6 glorious days, from husbands, kids, worries and responsibilities!

When I say rustic shelter. I do mean rustic. It is basically a 14′ x 14′ wood frame covered in a heavy-duty tarp.  No electricity, no water and the bathroom is a 7 minute walk…but I couldn’t be happier!


There will be no schedule; we’ll eat leisurely meals (accompanied by wine!!) when we’re hungry, go to sleep to the sound of crashing waves when we’re tired and get up when we feel rested.

In between waking up and going to sleep we’ll spend our days swimming in the ocean, beach combing for shells, pretty little rocks and sea glass. Walking on the mud flats, hiking beautiful trails, lying on the beach… eyes closed, just listening to the activity, reading (I just downloaded to my Kobo, Left Neglected by Lisa Genova and Before I Go To Sleep by S.J. Watson) campfires, girl talk, s’mores and afternoon naps.  I can barely wait!

My fellow blogaholics will relate to my only concern, blogging withdrawal.  My chest is getting tight and I’m having heart palpitations just thinking of how jammed my inbox will be…OK…deep breaths, in and out….in and out…I can do it!! If only the campground had wifi…lol..but I guess that would defeat the getting away from it all mantra!

I’ll tell you all about our fun trip when I get back!

Do you and your family like to camp?

Where is your favourite place to go camping?



  1. Have a great time and omg BEACH GLASSSSSSS!!!!!!!! I admire those who can camp w/o modern conveniences. My idea of camping is no mini fridge in the hotel room.

    • lol…that’s funny JoJo! Are you a beach glass fan?

      • To say i’m a beach glass fan would be quite the understatement. I’m ADDICTED to it. Must beachcomb!!!! lol I’ve even been to the holy grail of beach glass beaches, Glass Beach in Fort Bragg, CA. Been 3 times. Didn’t load down w/ it because that’s frowned upon but I dug for some very rare pieces.

  2. Oak Lawn Images says:

    I’m just sitting here, clearing up a few ‘loose ends’, before my final pack and heading out!! Can’t wait. Cool ocean breezes, here we come!!!
    Kathy at Oak Lawn Images

  3. Karin Dollery says:

    Have a blast and you picked 2 really good books , I read them and loved them. Have fun and cheers

  4. We’re heading camping in August for a weekend and I can’t wait! Our favourite place is Kejimkujik National Park. I’ve been going there since I was a kid and I love it. :-)

    • Sara, isn’t there just something so relaxing about camping! I think it’s great that you have been going to Kejimkujik park since you were a kid, I bet you have some awesome memories from you times there! Hope you have a wonderful camping trip in August.

  5. aquariann says:

    Have a fabulous time! It all sounds wonderful … except for the no electricity or plumbing part. :p

    ♥ aquariann
    Featured Photo: Fourth of July Fireworks

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