Wordless Wednesday ~ Backyard Visitors {w/LINKY}

This little family of mom, dad (not in this photo) and twins have been hanging out in our neighbourhood lately.  For some reason I always thought fawns were born in the spring; but I just took this photo on August 17th?? 

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  1. stevebethere says:

    One of them look like it is looking straight at the camera lol :-)

  2. mommy oustide says:

    Wow yes they look pretty young for mid August!

  3. So beautiful!

  4. orangeheromama says:

    Awwww! What a great shot!!


  5. Elizabeth L says:

    They are so beautiful!

  6. Such beautiful animals!

  7. Kristy @ Manager to Mom says:

    That’s a gorgeous photo! The deer look surreal – almost superimposed!

  8. Kristen B says:

    Great photo!
    I just Googled it. http://www.the-whitetail-deer.com/whitetail-deer-fawns.html
    “A doe goes into estrus in the fall, which means whitetail deer fawns are normally born sometime between late April and early July. Does birth one, two or sometimes three fawns. Though triplets are not as common, twin fawns are often spotted by recreational sports persons and hunters.

    At birth, white tail fawns have a spotted reddish coat that is fairly silky. There may be several hundred spots on the coat. The spots enable the fawn to camouflage itself, with the colors blending well with the surrounding natural environment. They usually weigh between 4 to 8 pounds at birth. The whitetail fawn loses its spots by the end of October of the same year it was born, or within 3 to 4 months after birth. “

    • Thanks Kristen, I never knew their spots lasted so long or they were sometimes born as late as July! These little guys are a decent size so I’m guessing they were maybe born in May or June.

  9. Kat at Mommy Kat and Kids says:

    I have a video of my oldest son playing tag with a little white-tailed fawn. One of my favourite memories from his childhood!

  10. awwww so sweet! you always have the best nature shots!

  11. This is an awesome moment and shot to capture! Amazing!

  12. Heather, Mmm... is for Mommy says:

    They are gorgeous little babes :)

  13. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    They’re so beautiful. I wish I’d get visitors like that instead of the squirrels, snakes and frogs that I normally do.

  14. Karren Haller says:

    They are marvelous, I love fawns there are just fun. Its great you were able to take these great photos. Thanks for stopping by this week. Karren

  15. Christine (@chancesmommy) says:

    What a fabulous shot! We get those friendly visitors on our farm too. One Thanksgiving, we counted 32 in our back field! I’ve never gotten a great photo though. Love your pic!

  16. Tammy @inRdream says:

    Nothing beats watching nature from your back window.

  17. They are so beautiful!

  18. Olivia @ This West Coast Mommy says:

    What a rare moment! Glad you were able to capture it!

  19. Lyne Proulx says:

    Great shot! Lucky you for having them in your area!

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