Wordless Wednesday ~ Beaujolais Nouveau 2013 {w/LINKY}

~ Beaujolais Nouveau ~

Beaujolais 2013

This past Thursday, we picked up and enjoyed a couple bottles of this wine.  Are you familiar with the annual tradition of Beaujolais Nouveau?


  1. Nicole King says:

    I love me some wine! That being said I have never heard of Beaujolais Nouveau. I’ll have to keep my eye out for it next year.

  2. Never heard of this wine! I’m intrigued……was/is it good? Where can I find it? ;) (momma needs some wine lol)

    • It is released in limited quantities on the 3rd Thursday of November, check your local wine store Tabitha, depending on your location there may still be some available. And to answer your question…they were yummy!!

  3. What was I thinking… I totally forgot the third Monday of Nov……beaujolais nouveau!! Hope you got a good supply!

    • I almost forgot too Pat, luckily Randy reminded me. Apparently there was a bit of a short supply this year, we only picked up three bottles and sadly (but not unexpectedly…lol) they are now all gone!

  4. no, but whatever it is, count me in!

  5. I’m not familiar with this brand, but it is very cool! I love the label!

  6. Renae of Simple Sequins says:

    Have a happy Thanksgiving and enjoy!

  7. Kat at Mommy Kat and Kids says:

    I am not, but it involves wine, so I’ll be looking into it! Love it!

  8. Olivia @ This West Coast Mommy says:

    We’re not wine drinkers, so no. But enjoy!

  9. stevebethere says:

    A big CHEERS! too you :-)

    Have a vinotastic week

  10. Can I have the corks for crafting? ;)

  11. Randa @ The Bewitchin' Kitchen says:

    Oh yum! If only my throat infection would go away so I could enjoy this ;)

  12. Looks fun! I love trying new wines.

  13. Mommy Outside says:

    I believe I remember reading about this last year right around this time. I don’t need a reason to have wine….

  14. Love this tradition…I had never heard of this “event” at all. Cool!

  15. I’ve never heard of it. Sounds French?
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