Wordless Wednesday ~ Groaning Cake?? {w/LINKY}

Today’s WW is not very wordless, but I want to explain a bit of the history behind a “Groaning Cake” !  I recently read The Birth House by Ami McKay and in the book there are several references to Groaning Cake.

“The tradition of the groaning cake, or kimbly at (or following) a birth is an ancient one. Wives’ tales say that the scent of a groaning cake being baked in the birth house helps to ease the mother’s pain. Some say if a mother breaks the eggs while she’s aching, her labour won’t last as long. Others say that if a family wants prosperity and fertility, the father must pass pieces of the cake to friends and family the first time the mother and baby are “churched” (or the first time they go to a public gathering) after a birth. Many cultures share similar traditions…a special dish, bread, or drink, spiced with cinnamon, all spice, and/or ginger. At one time there was even a “groaning ale” made to go with it…” (Ami McKay)

This is my version of a Groaning Cake, I made it to take to our book club meeting the night we discussed The Birth House.

If you would like to make a Groaning Cake you can find the recipe HERE.

{In case you are wondering it is delicious! Dense and moist, very similar in texture to a carrot cake!}

Groaning Cake


  1. Oak Lawn Images says:

    I absolutely loved my 1/2 cupcake of that delicious groaning cake. Wish I hadn’t eaten so much before and saved room.

  2. Tammi @ My Organized Chaos says:

    Ohhhh, I want one now!! ok, maybe 2!

  3. Katherine G says:

    This looks so delicious!!

  4. Kat at Mommy Kat and Kids says:

    So interesting! I need a pregnant friend to bake these for! Lol

  5. Christine (@chancesmommy) says:

    Wow! That is so neat! I had never heard of that! Very cool!

  6. Olivia @ This West Coast Mommy says:

    What a neat idea!

  7. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    I’ve never heard this one before, but it’s a great story!

  8. I wish I knew about Groaning cakes years ago! These look divine!

  9. paula schuck says:

    That was a great book. I love that you made this a themed book club experience! Awesome.

  10. paula schuck says:

    Pinned and shared. I love this post. It’s really clever and has so many ties in to subjects that I explore on my blog and on my pinterest boards.

  11. Jennifer (momvstheboys) says:

    I’ve never heard of a groaning cake but this one sure looks yummy!

  12. Jennifer Saarinen says:

    Looks so yummy. I haven’t made a batch of cupcakes in a few months. Think maybe it’s time again!

  13. Those look very yummy!

  14. Bonnie Way says:

    Wow, that is a gorgeous cupcake!!! Now I’m hungry. :)

  15. mommy oustide says:

    I love little folk stories like that! Wonder if it works ;)

    • I love those stories too! Not sure if it works but I do know when I was in labour with our first baby…I had to have these custard filled doughnuts from Tim Horton’s…I think I ate about 4 or 5…lol! It must be natures way of giving you fuel for the work that lies ahead!!

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