Wordless Wednesday ~ Our Visit to the SPCA {w/Linky}

This Wordless Wednesday is a little wordy ~

My daughter and I recently went on a visit to our local SPCA to drop off a few items from their “wish list”.  I had such mixed emotions during my visit.  I was very happy these innocent animals had been rescued, are safe and hopefully will soon be adopted by a loving  individual or family.  However, I was sickened that the need to rescue these poor little creatures from an abusive situation even exists! In my head I cannot even begin to fathom how anyone could mistreat an animal.


Some of the adorable kittens in the “Kitten Room”

{If you wish, you can read the complete post and see more pictures by visiting, Giving Back to the Community at Our Local SPCA}


  1. Randa @ The Bewitchin' Kitchen says:

    I’m in love with the second from the left.

  2. oooh, they’re all so cute, let’s see… hmmm, guess I just can’t make up my mind. Two choices here… all or none.

  3. Tammi @ My Organized Chaos says:

    So sad, hope they go to loving homes!

  4. Nicole King says:

    Oh my goodness they are all so adorable!

  5. paula schuck says:

    I would take all of those cats home. I know I know not supposed to do that. I was a little worried when I saw your post. I thought OMG did she adopt a bunch of animals.

  6. I like that they are all together to socialize and not stuck in tiny cages

  7. orangeheromama says:

    oh my goodness…awwwwww!!! <3


  8. Aww so sad! They are so cute!

  9. Awwww – my heart is melting. And a little broken too :(.

  10. Tabitha P says:

    I have a hard time going to shelters as well. I just cannot fathom how people could mistreat animals either. So sad. But so awesome that you were able to help.

  11. Kat at Mommy Kat and Kids says:

    Aww, such sweeties! I know how you feel; they’re so helpless!

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