NATIONAL SWEATER DAY is FEB.6th {w/Trivia, Colouring & Other Resources}

Sweater Day

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WWF-Canada is calling on all Canadians to put on a fun sweater and turn down the thermostats by two degrees Celsius on Thursday, February 6. Since 2010, over one million Canadians have participated in National Sweater Day to support energy conservation and action on climate change.


National Sweater Day is a chance to think differently about how we use energy, where our energy comes from and how we can play an important role in tackling climate change in Canada.  By wearing your sweater and turning down your heat you are doing your part and calling on our decision-makers to take action.


We know that climate change is one of the greatest threats to our natural world. It impacts all species—from butterflies to bowhead whales, polar bears to people—that depend on healthy ecosystems. Our country is way off-track on meeting our 2020 climate targets. Reducing the amount of energy we use is half of the battle in putting Canada on the right path to climate leadership. The solutions connect the choices we make in our everyday lives to the choices we can advocate for as citizens.

Here are three key strategies that Canadians and Canada can put in action to make huge strides in saving energy:

  1. Retrofit it: Make it easy and affordable for people to invest in older homes & buildings to make them energy efficient.
  2. Build it smarter: Set a high-bar for the efficiency of the new homes and offices we build and for the consumer appliances that we use every day
  3. Sustainable transportation: Make more efficient transportation options, from transit to cycling to electric vehicles, more accessible for everyone 


WWF is Canada’s largest international conservation organization with the active support of more than 150,000 Canadians. We connect the power of a strong global network to on-the-ground conservation efforts across Canada, with offices in Vancouver, Prince Rupert, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Halifax, St. John’s, Iqaluit and Inuvik.

WWF is creating solutions to the most serious conservation challenges facing our planet, helping people and nature thrive.


National Sweater Day is made possible through partial proceeds from the sale of plastic shopping bags in Loblaw banner stores across Canada. Since 2009, Loblaw Companies Limited has donated one million dollars annually to WWF, for a total of six million dollars, to support activities that engage Canadians on climate change and other conservation issues.

FEBRUARY 6, 2014

Q1: Which household appliance uses the most energy?
a. Refrigerator
b. Toaster
c. Dishwasher
d. Washing machine

Q2: In the winter time, heating costs rise by_____ for every degree that you set above 20°C on your thermostat.
a. 2%
b. 4%
c. 5%
d. 7%

Q3: Your residential water heater uses_____ of your home’s energy and produces approximately two tonnes of carbon dioxide annually:
a. 5%
b. 10%
c. 15%
d. 20%

Q4: What is the most energy efficient cycle to wash and rinse your clothes on?
a. Cold-cold
b. Warm-cold
c. Hot-cold
d. Hot-hot

Q5: If every household in Canada uses cold water to wash clothes, how many kilograms of greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced annually? (Canadian total)

Q6: The average Canadian home is illuminated by (how many)_____ light bulbs?

Q7: Which energy source produces the greatest amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide?

Q8: Which sector (business or residential) uses the greatest amount of electricity?

Q9: One busload of passengers takes the equivalent of  (how many)_____cars off the road during a typical rush hour.

Q10: The amount of energy each North American uses per year is equivalent to _____(kg of coal):

Q11: In Canada, the least abundant energy resource is?

Q12: List 5 elements which are non-renewable forms of energy.

Q13: What percentage of our energy comes from non-renewable fossil fuels?

Q14: List 5 renewable sources of energy currently being used in our country?

Q15: In 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change declared with at least 90 percent certainty that humans caused most of the global warming since the mid-20th century. In IPCC’s 2013 report, how great was the panel’s certainty? More than what  _____% ?

BONUS QUESTION –  What region of the world will likely warm most rapidly due to climate change?


1.)  Refrigerators use about 11% of a household’s total energy.

2.)  5%  Don’t overheat your home. Wear a sweater and use less energy.

3.)  15%  Turn down the thermostat to reduce energy consumption. Often the level is set unnecessarily high for regular use.
Also, if you are going away for a long time, turn off the heat.

4.)  Cold-cold.

5.)  Approx 1.5 billion kilograms of greenhouse gas emissions.

6.)  41 bulbs. Try and use compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs to reduce energy and cost.

7.)  Coal. Gases emitted from coal burning plants contribute to global warming.

8.)  The commercial sector uses almost 70% of all electricity produced.

9.)  40 cars. In a year, it also conserves 70,000 litres of fuel and generates only about 1/3 of the greenhouse gas emissions
that 40 cars produce.

10.)  90,000 kg of coal

11.)  Natural gas

12.)  a. Coal
b. Kerosene
c. Oil
d. Uranium
e. Natural gas

13.)  70% – 80%

14.)  a. Solar
b. Biomass
c. Wind energy
d. Hydropower
e. Geothermal energy

15.)  More than 95%

BONUS ANSWER  – The Arctic



  • About National Sweater Day [PDF]
  • Colouring Page [PDF]
  • National Sweater Day Countdown [PDF]
  • Event Activities [PDF]
  • Letter to Parents [PDF]
  • Teaching Strategies [PDF]
  • Sweater Day Posters [PDF]


  • Fundraising Ideas [PDF]
  • Suggested Timeline [PDF]
  • Trivia [PDF]
  • Sweater Day Posters [PDF]

All information contained in this post was sourced from SWEATERDAY.CA

Don’t forget to Turn Down the Heat and Put on a Sweater!



  1. I usually keep my house pretty cold but after this winter, I’ve been keeping it much warmer!

  2. I love the WWF. Thanks for sharing the trivia. I didn’t know the fridge was the biggest energy hog.

  3. Cheryl Grandy says:

    A couple years ago I decided to observe Sweater Day. I warned my teenaged children a few days ahead of time that I was going to turn down the thermostat on Sweater Day. On Sweater Day my daughter was obviously feeling chilly, and asked “Is today make-the-house-cold-day?” I’m not sure she got the point (lol).


  1. Coloring Page for National Sweater Day | thegreengracie says:

    […] Wear your cozy sweaters to keep your thermostats low. Save energy and money. Keep warm while keeping the planet cool!from: […]

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