Let’s Get Outside and Play! #WannaPlayChat


I don’t want to sound like some old-timer, but “back in my day”, we would come home from school, drop our books and head outside to play with our friends.

We would reluctantly come home when called, not on a cell phone, but by hearing your mom or dad holler,”Monica, dinner time”. After dinner we would go back outside until the street lights came on!

You remember doing that, don’t you?

My friends and I would spend hours playing Hopscotch, Simon Says, Hide-and-Seek, Red Rover and of course, one of our favourites, Skipping.

That kind of spontaneous play seems to be on a steep decline. This summer Canadian Tire is rallying Canadians to, Get Outside and Play, and we need your help!

Share a video or a photo with #WannaPlay to inspire Canadians to get active.

One of the fun things we like to do as a family is to visit nearby, Fundy National Park, at least a couple of times every summer.

We hike some of the many trails, go canoeing or kayaking at Bennett Lake, and end the day with a picnic supper.


I snapped this photo of my hubby, son and daughter hiking the Laverty Falls Trail at Fundy National Park.


My son and daughter, canoeing at Bennett Lake.

Did you know that nine out of ten children don’t get enough exercise each day?

It’s an epidemic of inactivity and it’s one that Canadian Tire is committed to changing.

That’s why on June 5, Canadian Tire launched a new initiative to encourage more play!

Canadians are encouraged to get outside and share photos or videos of how they play using the ‪#‎WannaPlay‬ hashtag!

You don’t have to be raising a soccer star to spend more time playing. From hiking to Hopscotch, the important thing is, families are spending more time being outside out and getting active.

Let’s encourage our children and each other to become more active! Let’s Get Outside and Play! There are plenty of outside games that your kids will love to play, such as:

  • Tag
  • Hide and Seek
  • Follow the Leader
  • Road Hockey
  • Skipping
  • Red Rover
  • Riding bikes
  • Flashlight Tag
  • Hopscotch
  • Hide and Seek
  • Red light, Green Light…

…you get the idea!

It doesn’t really matter what the game is, the important thing is to encourage our kids to Get Outside and Play!

Canadian Tire wants you to share your video or a photo of your family or kids playing outside.

Simply share online and be sure to use the hashtag #WannaPlay. 


#WannaPlayChat Twitter Party Details:

Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Time: 8:00PM EDT

Host: @CanadianTire

Special Guests:  Olympian – Hayley Wickenheiser @Wick_22 and Dr. Mike Evans @DocMikeEvans

Prizing – $1000.00 in prizes to be won!


Please note: Everyone welcome to join the party, however, only Canadians, excluding those in the province of Quebec can win prizes.

New to Twitter Parties?

– Please visit our custom Twubs page which makes it easy to take part in Twitter parties.
Click here: http://twubs.com/wannaplaychat




I hope to see you at the party!

What is your family’s favourite outdoor activity?




  1. I love getting out and active with the family. It brings us so much closer together and creates a lot of great memories for years to come. It looks like your family feels the same way!! :)
    Brandi recently posted…Get Outside And PLAY! #WannaPlayMy Profile

  2. Pat Bacon says:

    I totally agree. Our kids played outside “til the street lights came on” as well, but now it’s the grand-kids that are the concern. fortunately, they also enjoy outdoor activities and usually go to bed tired. I have to admit, though, having a trampoline, and swing sets seem to help.

  3. Catherine White says:

    I remember all those time, before video games, cell phones endless television and computers That sounds like a challenge to me to capture photos of the kids and grandkids ‘outside’ playing. Great idea.

  4. Tiffany Steadman-Collins says:

    I was just talking to my hubby about how we never were in as much as the kids are now a days. You have offered a great list of suggestions:) Thanks for sharing!
    Tiffany Steadman-Collins recently posted…Come Out and Play with my Family #WannaPlayMy Profile

  5. Absolutely Kathy and post them online with the hashtag. If you visit the linked site, you may very well see one of your pics!
    Monica Parlee recently posted…Waikiki MeatballsMy Profile

  6. Jenna Em says:

    I love the photos of your family getting out and active in nature! It’s such a fantastic physical and cerebral experience. Some of my happiness moments are getting active outside with my husband and kids.
    Jenna Em recently posted…Fitness Is a Family Affair – Join the Canadian Tire WannaPlayChat Twitter Party!My Profile

  7. ourfamilyworld says:

    I miss those days where kids play for hours until dinner.

  8. Employment News says:

    Great Article! Thanks for sharing a informative information with us!

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