In 2016, I Resolve To …


New Years edited

Well, we’re just about six weeks into the new year and I thought it would be a good time to see how everyone is making out with their New Year’s resolutions.

If you’re anything like me you have gone through this annual exercise, well, almost as many times as there are candles on your cake.

Whether it’s losing weight, reducing your alcohol consumption, quitting smoking, (I thought I would get the really bad habits out of the way first…lol), or resolving to learn a second language, or a third, for the real go-getters out there, for most, New Year’s resolutions are a time-honored and harmless tradition.

In 2016, I Resolve To…wondering what most people’s resolutions were for 2016? I looked it up and here are the Top New Year’s Resolutions for 2016:

  • Enjoy life to the fullest
  • Live a healthier lifestyle
  • Lose weight
  • Save more, spend less
  • Spend more time with family and friends
  • Pay down debt

Are you wondering where this custom originated?  Well, I did a little research as I wanted to know who to blame when I felt guilty for not keeping my resolutions!

It’s believed the Babylonians were the first people to make New Year’s resolutions and that was over four thousand years ago. For them, the year began in mid-March, when their crops were planted. It is said that as part of their New Year’s celebration, they would crown or affirm loyalty to a King and make promises to the gods about intentions for the coming year. Similar celebrations were practiced by the Romans. Early Christians used the new year to reflect on past mistakes, resolving to do better in the future.

So you might say that this ancient custom of renewal and atonement is wired into our DNA.

Today, nearly half of us freely admit to making resolutions of one form or another. Most of these “promises” are of a personal nature, and maybe because of this, less than ten percent of us make it all the way to December. I guess bad habits are hard to break.

In 2016 I resolve to …well, I have to admit I’m off to a rocky start, but I’m still hopeful.

How about you, how is your New Year’s journey progressing?




  1. LOL…. This year I resolved not to make any more resolutions…. that way I am less likely to feel guilt. I did,however, “try” to employ some of the top resolutions that you posted. Namely… to try to live in the moment and live life to the fullest. Also, I like a variation of #4…. Save less, spend more. :-)

  2. I have not done well so far Pat, but hopefully next year…lol!
    Monica Parlee recently posted…Red Velvet Whoopie PiesMy Profile

  3. paula schuck says:

    So far so good here. I resolved to travel more and I have been travelling every month since December so that’s on target. Work is great and working out is also great because most of that travel has come with a ski trip so – so far so good. I feel positive about this. What I still struggle with is my sweet tooth though. Good luck with your resolutions!!
    paula schuck recently posted…What is a Bear Market? Mind Your Money Series – Part 1My Profile

  4. Love your resolution to travel more Paula, now that is something I could really get behind and when it combines exercise…bonus!
    Monica recently posted…Oven Roasted VegetablesMy Profile

  5. I have long given up New Year’s resolutions as I finally learned that I never keep them! I do have things that I suppose are resolutions but, I tend to consider them more of a “want”, such as traveling more, spending more time with family I don’t see often, etc. Very interesting! I had no idea of the origins of the New Year’s resolution!

  6. Heather Lynne says:

    I’m actually doing alright this year! I did take a couple of weeks off from trying to eat well & exercise while on vacation, but I’m back at it now! :)
    Heather Lynne recently posted…Heart Stockings – A Valentine Tradition (Free Printable & Giveaway)My Profile

  7. I’m working on getting back to healthy eating and cooking more homecooked meals. The biggest thing for me is not to get discouraged because I “failed” one day. Tomorrow is a new day and I can make better choices!
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  8. Aeryn Lynne says:

    I’m at a rocky point with my resolution too, but am fully planning to get back on track… soon-ish. ;) I’m trying to better my sleep pattern (early to bed, early to rise), but a really bad stomach bug totally blew my intentions out for a few weeks. Its so hard to be a morning person when you’re a night owl! ;)
    Aeryn Lynne recently posted…Five Places to Take Your Geek on a DateMy Profile

    • I hear you Aeryn. For most of my life when I was a nurse I was at work by 7am. Now I can hardly drag myself out of bed by 8:30. I’ve become a night owl too and it’s difficult to get turned around.


  1. […] recently wrote about New Year’s resolutions and how they are a time-tested and, for the most part, harmless annual exercise with a degree of […]

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