My sisters and I are heading out on a little “girls” getaway. This is our 4th year going and each year we’ve stayed longer…lol. This year it will be 5 nights and 6 days of 3 sisters + 1 camping trip = fun, fun, fun!
Low tide on a foggy morning at New River Beach
We’re going camping at New River Provincial Park, in New Brunswick. We have been e-mailing and telephoning each other back and forth over the past few weeks. We’ve planned our meals, bought the food (I’m pretty sure we’ll have enough to provide dinner to the entire campground!!) and “beverages” and can’t wait to get on the road!! We’ve made a bunch of lists and checked them twice…well, actually, I’ve checked mine about 8 times today!!
There will be swimming in the ocean, beach combing for shells, pretty little rocks, and sea glass. Walking on the mud flats, hiking, lying on the beach, eyes closed, listening to all the activity around me. Reading (I’m bringing 50 shades of Grey…should be a compelling read!!), campfires, girl talk, s’mores and afternoon naps. I can’t wait!!!
Our “backyard” at the beach.
This year the “rustic shelter”…and I do mean rustic…lol, will have electricity on a little post in the woods beside the shelter… we’re so excited about that! {Pretty pathetic isn’t it!} However, there will be no water, bathroom or electricity within the shelter…oh…and you may have guessed this one, no internet access. The shelter is really a glorified tent sitting on a platform, there are 4-foot high plywood walls and a heavy-duty tarp covering the roof and upper wall sections. There are plywood pallets for your air mattresses and the only furniture is a picnic table. Totally rustic and totally wonderful!
Our first-morning last year. We did eventually straighten things up a bit!
We’re leaving on Sunday and won’t be back home until Friday…my chest is getting tight and I’m having heart palpitations just thinking of how jammed my inbox will be…OK…deep breaths, in and out….in and out…I can do it!! {lol}
Patricia says
And we’ re off and running!!!!!
Lori says
I was going to ask which park and then I saw mud flats so I am assuming Fundy. Have a blast ~ the weather forecast looks incredible for this week. I just finished 50 shades ~ will read the other 2 ~ I am intrigued by the story but it does not live up to the hype.
Monica says
Hi Lori, we were at New river Beach Provincial Park. The weather was perfect and we had an amazing time…we’re already planning next years trip!! I’m about half way through 50 Shades…an interesting read so far :)
Betty says
Oh gosh you girls are so adventuresome. Roughing it – mmm not sure how I would fare with that but I’m sure you’re old hands at it now if this is your 4th year. I just know you will all have a wonderful, wonderful time and can’t wait until you return home and let us know all about the wonderful time you had (with lots of pictures please). Be careful and remember to watch out for squirrels Monica as they are looking for nuts.
Monica says
Betty, I had to do a lot of hiding…those cute little squirrels were everywhere!!
We had a wonderful time and came home stuffed, rejuvenated and tanned! I’m working my way through my jam packed inbox but will post some photos soon : )
We’re now counting down the days to our next fun adventure…spending time with our new cousins!!
Betty says
LOL well glad you managed to hide from the little rascals Monica and happy to hear that you girls had a fab time. Can’t wait until you all arrive – we’re very excited.