One of my favourite ways to travel is by car, you can take your time and visit every little nook and cranny without feeling rushed...{wait, that's only when I leave my husband home!} … [Read more...]
Play A to Z Challenge TAG !
Have you ever wondered what would happen if we played TAG out here in Bloggerville? TAG is the acronym for "The Answer Game". You are asked the following questions and you answer them on your blog! (a simple copy and paste event ) … [Read more...]
Have you signed up for the Blogging from A to Z 2012 Challenge?
This time last year I was still very new to blogging, I started in February of 2011. While browsing blogs I came across the A - Z Challenge and was immediately enthralled. I wasn't sure exactly what to expect but thought, what a great and fun way to meet some fellow bloggers. So, I thought about it for all of two seconds and signed up! … [Read more...]