Increase Your Vitamin D Intake with Kellogg’s Cereals!

Kelloggs vitamin D post

In most of Canada we are now in the midst of the "dog days" of winter.  The cold, gloomy, snowy days that make curling up in bed with a good book the only acceptable activity!  I live in eastern Canada and we have been totally pummeled this year and winter is barely two weeks old!  On December 23rd we were entombed in ice more than an inch thick, lost power for days (many for up to 11 days!), had three successive snow storms, four if you count today and are now in the midst of bone chilling, … [Read more...]

Mandarin Orange and Kale Salad

Mandarin Orange & Kale Salad

I'm not sure about you, and maybe it is just me, but I am not very familiar with the now super popular vegetable, kale. It has been touted as being a super-food and I seem to be seeing it everywhere. Honestly, I would like to try it, but I'm not quite sure what to do with it. … [Read more...]

Lunch Box Tips & Tricks From a Registered Dietitian!

Lunch Box Tips

I recently had the opportunity to get some lunch box tips from dietitian Anne Marie Armstrong. Anne Marie is a registered dietitian with Atlantic Superstores and a mother of two.  She liaises with stores across the Atlantic region, providing nutrition tips and answering customers' questions about healthier eating. With "back to school" in full swing, it was great to be able to pick her brain and get the low down on bagged lunches from a dietitians point of view.  Anne Marie was able to … [Read more...]