I’m back from my unplanned absence and man oh man, am I ever tired! Late last week…or was it earlier this week…anyway, it was one of those times, (the days have become a blur and are all running together…lol), we moved for the fifth time.
Now after moving five times, you would think we would have it all down to a science, wouldn’t you? Not necessarily the case! In many respects we did; we had everything neatly packed, labelled and very organized as far as the movers were concerned. But somehow, the move still felt so chaotic.
Yes, this time, we hired a company to come in and move all of our “things”. The first couple of times we moved we were much younger with lots of burly and energetic friends who would willingly work a long, hard day for beer and pizza. Now we are all much less “burly” and in the interest of preventing some catastrophic health emergency, the last couple of moves we hired a firm to do the heavy lifting and the actual move.
So, you would think it would all be pretty easy, wouldn’t you? Wrong!
Music Man and I packed so many boxes I would fall asleep and dream about carefully wrapping dishes, putting heavy items in smaller boxes and labelling the boxes with long lists of their contents.
Look, this isn’t because we are wealthy and have so many quality belongings, because we aren’t and we don’t. But even after two yard sales and numerous items sold on Kijiji, we still had in excess of 127 packed boxes. That is way, way too much “stuff” for anyone to own.
This is “stuff” we didn’t unpack and have stored (three or four layers deep) in the basement of our temporary home. I can guarantee you, there are items in those boxes and bins that haven’t seen the light of day in twenty years. Why do I feel the need to keep so many things that we will most likely never use?
Our kids are grown and no longer live at home, so we were downsizing. Or at least I thought we were. We are downsizing space but apparently not possessions!
And invariably, with every move, something seems to vanish. This move, we have literally gone through EVERY single box and bin in this place and I still cannot find the two items I need most. My daytimer and a hardcover notebook that has endless notes as well as, every address, phone number, and password I have ever used or ever may use.
And then there is all the unpacking and the “where does this go” and “where should that go?” Putting bedrooms together, hanging curtains, having services connected. Oh yeah…there was some type of glitch with Bell and we went for five days with no internet, no television, no phone and to top it all off, our cell phone died…lol.
For all of those who have ever heard me say I wish I had lived a hundred years earlier…I’ve changed my mind! I was completely lost without those modern-day devices.
It was such a complete comedy of errors and one that was totally out of our control, so in the end, we thought we may as well just laugh, go with it and constantly repeat one of my favourite sayings, “I’m not concerned!”
I don’t know if it was because I am older than I was during those earlier moves or if we just have way too much stuff I (I’m going with the later…lol). But every night for the past week I have fallen into bed around 8:00 or 8:30 PM and have not moved a muscle until the alarm went off the next morning.
Time to do some more purging…oh, did I mention we are renting the house we are now in and have to be out in less than 6 months?
What were we thinking??
sabina says
ekkk , I hate moving, we did that constantly as a child because of the business my parents were in. There is some sort of horders rule about if you haven’t used it in a year, its prob best to donate it to wherever
Monica Parlee says
The process of moving is definitely not fun Sabina, is it?…lol I’ve heard that rule but it is so difficult to part with items that have been in the family for years. But you are right…I need to have a less sentimental heart!
Monica Parlee says
Thanks Pat, I certainly hope so!
Karen E. Hill says
I feel for you. I have moved maybe 35 times now and am older than you. I moved into this rental Aug 15 and am still bringing boxes and totes over from storage to unpack. I am selling things bit by bit on my local auction sites. The difference is I live alone so have no help doing this. I have found stuff that I have kept for my 28 yr old son and really do I think he will appreciate or even want it! I have antiques and a few collections but when all is said and done you cant take them with you. My insurance policy will only float a wake and scattering my ashes so I have been purging, donating, selling what I can every week, I have moved from one end (West) of Canada to Ontario and South to Florida and back. I figure I should retire but who can in this economy so maybe if you sell all your STUFF you might be rich enough to hire a massage therapist to work all the kinks and aches out when you find your dream home.
Monica says
Holy smokes, you’ve moved 35 times Karen, that’s incredible! You must be a wealth of great information and have the process all down to a science.
It’s tough isn’t it, all of the packing and unpacking of our lives. Tough both physically and emotionally.
Lol… selling it all and hiring a massage therapist is probably a good piece of advice