~ Biannual Blogathon Bash ~


I'm very excited to be participating in my second Biannual Blogathon Bash.  The blogathon, created by Callista over at Callista's Ramblings, is a twice yearly event designed for bloggers to get some much needed housekeeping chores completed. … [Read more...]

The Biannual Blogathon Bash is just around the corner!!


  The Biannual Blogathon Bash is a twice yearly event designed for bloggers to get much needed work done on their blog. All bloggers are welcome. The event is 72 hours, you can do as much blogging as you can during this time. The aim for 24 hours total but they are flexible!  There will be mini challenges (fun, easy projects that will better your blog) and prizes to be won. … [Read more...]

Biannual Blogathon Bash ~ Wrap-up Post ~

Well, it was a fun and busy week-end.  In addition to the usual week-end happenings, I participated in my first Biannual Blogathon Bash. The Blogathon ran from 8am Friday, March 9 until 8am Monday March 12 EST., that's a possible 72 hours, make that 71 hours {for those of us who had Daylight Saving Time happen} of blogging! … [Read more...]