Welcome to the Team Abnegation $100 Gift Code Giveaway. During the month of April HarperTeen is promoting the release of the book Insurgent by Veronica Roth. This giveaway was organized to help promote the release of that book. To learn more about this book series please visit the Publisher's Website: http://bit.ly/GQFqbF. To enter to win a $100 Amazon Gift Code use the rafflecopter below. You have many chances to win and can enter daily from now until April 22nd. … [Read more...]
~ Wordless Wednesday ~ Cancer Awareness Month {w/LINKY}
April 3, 2012 by · 34 Comments
April is the month to fight back! Wear a daffodil to show your support for Canadians living with cancer and let them know that no one has to face cancer alone. … [Read more...]