Real vs Artificial {Living Green}


Real vs Artificial ~ For many years I felt guilty buying a real tree. I felt I was, in essence, killing a living thing and depleting a much needed natural resource.  Deep down I knew most, if not all, tree growers practiced a one out, one in system to ensure a constant supply of trees, but, I was still racked with guilt. Every Dec 26th as I drove by the abandoned tree lots, as I gazed upon the unwanted and unloved carcasses left lying in the snow...I had to cover my ears in an attempt to … [Read more...]

Living Green, One Tip at a Time – (a weekly feature)


Tip # 36 Real versus Artificial (Christmas trees people...I'm talking about Christmas trees!!)      For many years I felt guilty buying a real tree. I was, in essence, killing a living thing and depleting a much needed natural resource.  Deep down I knew most, if not all, tree growers practised a one out, one in system to ensure a constant supply of trees, but, I was still racked with guilt.      Every Dec 26th as I drove by the abandoned tree lots, as I gazed upon the unwanted and … [Read more...]