I mentioned in an earlier post how most of Canada is now in the midst of the "dog days" of winter. I live on the east coast and we have already been totally pummeled this year and winter has officially, barely begun. On December 23rd we were entombed in ice more than an inch thick, lost power for days (many for up to 11 days!) had four successive snow storms and are now in the midst of bone chilling, record breaking cold temperatures. What is a girl to do with all of this wild weather but … [Read more...]
EASY BROWN BREAD ~ #28 of 52 Breads in 2013
Please join me in giving a warm Canadian welcome to "Life without Lemons". Originally hailing from the UK and now living in Canada, we are very excited to announce that, Elyse with her fabulous "52 Breads in 2013" will be our weekly guest blogger. If you are looking for some fabulous bread recipes, drop by each week and see what delicious bread Elyse has baked in her kitchen. … [Read more...]