Have You Ever Visited a Sugar Shack?

Sugar Shack

Even though I have always lived in New Brunswick, which apparently is one of the three largest producers of maple syrup in the world, I had never been to a Sugar Shack. I couldn't let another spring go by without visiting one, so we booked a tour, bundled up and headed out to a local maple syrup producing facility, also know as a sugar shack. Because, by nature I ask a thousand questions, before heading out, I had to find out where the term "sugar shack" originated. So, if you're like me … [Read more...]

A Girls Trip to Fundy National Park

Girls Trip to Fundy National Park

Last week my two sisters, my niece and I went on a fun day trip to Fundy National Park.  We are very fortunate to have this gorgeous national park a relatively short drive from where we all live. My sisters and I are also very lucky that our sweet niece/daughter likes to spend time with her aunts and mom. She has acted as the driver on many, many, many fun road trips. We lovingly call her our "pack mule", a phrase she coined on a trip we all took to visit relatives in Virginia. On that … [Read more...]