Until he retired, I never knew my dad loved to cook. I was in high school at the time and I remember he used to make the most fabulous meals. He even made his own mayonnaise; which back then, at least in my circles, was pretty much unheard of! I can still vividly recall coming home from school to the most wonderful aroma of chicken or beef roasting and his famous molasses cookies cooling on racks...YUM! Isn't it amazing how aromas have the ability to transport you back in time? Whenever … [Read more...]
~ CLOSED ~ Break free of the dinnertime rut with a #ClubHouseRecipeMix
By the time week night dinnertime rolls around at our house, we're all tired from the day and the familiar cry of, "what should we make for dinner", is sometimes more than my mind can bear. I think this often happens to many of us...we get stuck in the dinnertime rut. In our home I find we often prepare dinner using the same predictable list of old "standbys", time and time and time again! If I have to look at another boring piece of meat or fish, potato or rice and veges prepared again and … [Read more...]