Real or Artificial Tree ~ Which is the Greener Choice?

Real or Artificial Tree? Which is the Greener Choice? You may be surprised by the answer. For many years, I felt guilty buying a real tree. I felt I was, in essence, killing a living thing and depleting a much-needed natural resource.  Deep down I knew most if not all tree growers practiced a one out, one in system to make sure there is a constant supply of trees, but still, I was racked with guilt. Every Dec 26th as I drove by the abandoned tree lots and gazed upon the unwanted and … [Read more...]

~ CLOSED ~ Wishing a Happy 25th Anniversary to the PC® Green Line! (w/Giveaway)

I am all about living as green as possible and my family and I do everything we can to reduce our footprint on the environment. This includes an awareness of our choice in cleaning products.  We already use many of the PC®  line of products, but just recently learned the GREEN™  line was celebrating its 25th anniversary this year! Think back 25 years, to  the year 1989.  Probably, many of you were not yet even born. In my part of the world,  green living was still in its infancy.  I remember … [Read more...]