I thought it would be fun to do a round-up of the Top 10 Recipes of 2013. To determine which recipes made the top 10 list, I went to my site stats and looked at the top posts for the last year and picked out the top 10 recipes. It is actually very interesting and sometimes a bit surprising to look back over the last year and see what posts brought in the most traffic. If you haven't already done so, you should have a look at your stats, I'm sure you will find it very interesting … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday ~ Groaning Cake?? {w/LINKY}
Today's WW is not very wordless, but I want to explain a bit of the history behind a "Groaning Cake" ! I recently read The Birth House by Ami McKay and in the book there are several references to Groaning Cake. “The tradition of the groaning cake, or kimbly at (or following) a birth is an ancient one. Wives’ tales say that the scent of a groaning cake being baked in the birth house helps to ease the mother’s pain. Some say if a mother breaks the eggs while she’s aching, her labour won’t last … [Read more...]
Pregnant? You May Want to Make a Groaning Cake! {#Recipe}
I just recently finished reading The Birth House by Ami McKay. In the book she spoke of labouring women making Groaning Cake and I knew, even though I will never again be pregnant, that I had to give it a try! Groaning Cake "The tradition of the groaning cake, or kimbly at (or following) a birth is an ancient one. Wives’ tales say that the scent of a groaning cake being baked in the birth house helps to ease the mother’s pain. Some say if a mother breaks the eggs while she’s aching, her labour … [Read more...]