~ CLOSED ~ How to Easily Read the Nutrition Facts Table {w/$100 GC Giveaway}

Nutrition Facts

We've all seen them. They're found on pre-packaged foods in the grocery store and on boxes and bags located on your pantry shelves. They are white rectangles with black edges and they full of information on the foods you have purchased or are considering purchasing. Have you guessed what I'm talking about? I bet many of you already know, I'm referring to the Nutrition Facts table (NFt). Many of us have seen the NFt on packages, but, do we all know how to properly read it? FIRST, you … [Read more...]

How to Use the Nutrition Facts Table

Nutrition Facts Table

As a nurse, I, unfortunately, have first-hand knowledge of the variety of consequences related to a lifetime of eating the wrong types of food. Conditions like obesity, tooth decay, high cholesterol, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type-2 diabetes and even some cancers have been traced to poor nutrition. I like to think my family and I eat a relatively healthy diet. We have fruits and vegetables daily, try to eat a high fibre diet and limit treats. Prior to purchasing a product … [Read more...]

Becel® Makes Your Creations Simpler #BecelBlendBar


Blend Bar by Becel® temporarily located in Loblaws at Maple Leaf Gardens You don't have to know me for long or have visited my site for more than two minutes to know I LOVE to bake and cook. Rarely a day goes by that I'm not cooking up one experiment or another. Like some sort of culinary mad scientist, I'm often showered in flour and will have every inch of space on the counters and the island piled high with ingredients and tools of the kitchen trade.  Could be everything from bowls to … [Read more...]

Buyer Beware …Of the Fine Print!

Buyer Beware

I try to eat healthily.  As a former Operating Room Nurse, I have far too many times seen the consequences of a lifetime of eating the wrong types of food. Most of these patients weren’t to blame for their dietary choices. They lived in a time when nutritional information on foods was very limited. Nowadays, the consumer is well armed with valuable information on many areas of nutrition, from the general, what foods to eat and what foods not to eat. To the specific, what foods to eat and … [Read more...]

Eat More Stars & Earn More PC Points #GuidingStarsCA #EatMoreStars

Eat More Stars

These past few months my family and I have tried to eat healthier by following the President's Choice Guiding Stars program. I have documented our journey in a series of posts: Part One invited you to, Follow My Journey with the Loblaws #‎GuidingStarsCA‬ #‎PCStars‬ Program. Part Two featured a, #GuidingStarsCA  Follow-Up & My Meeting with a Registered Dietitian. In Part Three I had the opportunity to learn some healthy eating cooking tips and tricks on my My Visit to a PC Cooking … [Read more...]

Healthy Living – Nine weeks in and doing…?


Like many of you,  my New Year resolution was to be more active, eat healthier and lose a few pounds. How am I doing 9 weeks in...I'm doing OK, better than I was, but still working on it. … [Read more...]