~ CLOSED ~ Litter Getter – All Natural Litter Training Solution {w/Giveaway}

Litter Getter

If you have a kitty in your family now or plan to adopt one soon I have some valuable information for you.  Have you heard of Litter Getter? … [Read more...]

~ CLOSED ~ Don’t euthanize, litter train your cat or kitten with Litter Getter! {Review & Giveaway)

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Sadly, I am well aware that cats and kittens are sometimes euthanized because they don't use their litter box and they void and/or defecate in other places within the home. We are huge animal lovers and would do anything possible to save these precious lives. Our family has been fortunate and very thankfully have never had this issue.  I personally feel this is not a route I would ever take, however, I do understand how very problematic this could be, especially for families with young … [Read more...]

~ CLOSED ~ Worlds Best Cat Litter – Review and Giveaway

I was recently given the opportunity to review the World's Best Cat Litter and being the proud Mom of two very pampered kitties I jumped at the chance! Over the recent Christmas holidays, we also had a sweet little feline visitor for two weeks.  Yes, that's right, three kitties under the same roof for over two weeks. … [Read more...]