Rhubarb Sour Cream Muffins ~ One advantage to living in a northern climate (there aren't too many...lol) is rhubarb! If you are not familiar with rhubarb, it's a cool season perennial vegetable, that's right...it's a vegetable! Even though we most often treat it as a fruit in such confections as pies, crisps, squares, ice-cream, compotes and jams, crumbles, coffee cakes, sweet breads and muffins, it is actually a vegetable. Rhubarb is a cool season, perennial crop. It requires … [Read more...]
Banana Nut Oatmeal Muffins
It's no secret at all, that I LOVE muffins! They are perfect as a grab and go breakfast or snack and equally perfect to enjoy while reading the newspaper and leisurely sipping your second (or fourth) cup of hot coffee. In fact, I find it hard to think of anything even remotely negative about muffins. Over the years, I have made many, many muffins of all sizes and flavours, but this recipe for Banana Nut Oatmeal Muffins definitely ranks very near to the top on my list of all time … [Read more...]
Banana Oatmeal Muffins
By now, I am sure many of you know that I LOVE muffins. I love baking them and unfortunately, I also love eating them! This past weekend, my sister, a friend and I were having a big multi-family garage/yard sale at my place. The sale was starting at 8AM but we decided we needed to meet by 7:30 to put up some signs and make a few last-minute adjustments to the placement of some larger items. I knew we would be going through multiple pots of coffee...another of my weaknesses, so I wanted to … [Read more...]
Cranberry Orange Muffins
I think by now you are all aware of my obsession with muffins. Honestly, I think I could live on muffins alone! That reminds me of something. I remember working as a nurse on some of the hospital units and physicians would occasionally admit patients, usually women, under the diagnosis of "Tea and Toast Syndrome". What usually happened was, these wee women were living on their own. They didn't have the will or inclination to go to the bother of preparing a nutritious meal, just for … [Read more...]
Six Week Bran Muffins
Have you heard of Six Week Bran Muffins? I have made them for a hundred years! They are moist, delicious and so convenient to have in your fridge. This batter can be stored in your refrigerator, unbaked for six weeks. You only need to scoop out the amount you want. Your biggest challenge will be finding bowls and a container large enough to hold this rather large volume of ingredients. But, trust me, it's worth the search! Over sleep? Throw a batch in the oven while having your … [Read more...]
Pumpkin Spice Muffins {Recipe}
As some of you may recall, I am a muffinaholic!! I am totally addicted to making muffins and will often make them several times a week! {I'm also addicted to coffee...so I'm guessing these are companion addictions..lol} As it is the Canadian Thanksgiving week-end I thought I would share this delicious recipe with you. I made them earlier in the week...I'm going to call that a trial run as I'm also going to make them tomorrow morning, they are that good!! I hope you enjoy these muffins … [Read more...]
Blueberry Sour Cream Muffins ~ Recipe
Blueberry Sour Cream Muffins ~ I have a confession to make, I am totally addicted to making muffins and will very often make them several times a week! I recently had a container of sour cream that was soon due to expire. So, as any muffinaholic would do, I started scouring my "sources" for muffin recipes that use sour cream. … [Read more...]
Banana Chip Muffins….these are so delicious! {Recipe}
Today I had some bananas that were getting over ripe. Usually I make banana bread or peel the bananas and freeze them for future banana breads. I love banana bread...but, quite frankly, today the thought of another one just held no appeal.. So, I headed off to look through my trusty cookbooks. Several hours later I emerged from a pile of cookbooks, recipe cards and magazines and asked myself...what was I looking for?? Oh yes, something to do with the dreaded, rotting bananas. So, … [Read more...]